Companies: ENEA and Unioncamere together for innovative technologies and support to SMEs


ENEA President Federico Testa and Unioncamere President Carlo Sangalli have signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the transfer of technologies, skills and offer of innovation between research laboratories and companies with new generation tools and services.

The collaboration concerns the identification and promotion of the most suitable technologies for different types of enterprises, especially SMEs, support in accessing capital, acceleration and incubation of start-ups and creation of research spin-offs, also by designing and implementing dedicated training programs and tailored advisory and training interventions.

ENEA and Unioncamere will also expand the territorial areas of intervention, the sectors and production chains concerned, involving universities and public and private research institutes, with particular reference to Southern Italy.

At an operational level, the agreement envisages the establishment of working groups comprising experts in the reference sectors who will perform analyses and elaborations also based on programs, initiatives and projects already underway.

"With this agreement we intend to promote an increasingly close and continuous relationship between research and the production system, carrying out initiatives and investments aimed at enhancing research outcomes and their use by companies, in order to help them grow and become competitive, particularly as regards the new phase opening up with the Recovery Plan ”, ENEA President Federico Testa said.

"The construction of a more solid bridge between public research -ENEA research in particular- and SMEs, is an objective that Unioncamere has been pursuing for years", Unioncamere President Carlo Sangalli pointed out.  “Today the issues of digitization and environmental sustainability are crucial for competitiveness. The Chambers of Commerce can build, together with the associations of all companies, a bridge between research and the production system ”.

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