Computer technology: CRESCO6 enters the TOP500 of the most powerful supercomputers on the Planet


ENEA's CRESCO6 supercomputer enters the prestigious TOP500 world's most powerful computing machines, thanks to a doubling of power reaching 1.4 million billion mathematical operations per second (1.4 PetaFlops). Its 420th place entry on the first 500 world supercomputers list was officially announced at the Dallas SuperComputing 2018, the main event in the field of scientific computing.

"This achievement put ENEA in  a leading position in the HPC high performance national computing scenario, confirming CRESCO6 as the most powerful supercomputer in the South and the second in Italy after the one at CINECA" Silvio Migliori, Head of the ENEA Division for the Development of Information Technology and ICT Systems, explained. "The doubling of the power of CRESCO6 was possible thanks to an international tender which in 2018 ENEA won together with CINECA,  to continue providing HPC services to the European Consortium Eurofusion that, on behalf of Euratom, deals with research and development of nuclear fusion technology for energy purposes ", Migliori said.

The fields of application of CRESCO6 include the creation of predictive models on climate change and air pollution, with a very accurate territorial detail, the study of new materials for clean energy production, simulations for the management of critical infrastructures, biotechnology, computational chemistry, fluid dynamics for the aerospace sector and the development of nuclear fusion codes.

Il sistema CRESCO6 favorisce la candidatura italiana ad ospitare entro il 2021-2022 presso il Tecnopolo di Bologna uno dei tre supercomputer che andranno a comporre il sistema europeo “pre-exascale”, vale a dire con una potenza fra i 200 e i 300 Pflops, che la Commissione europea ha affidato alla struttura dedicata European HPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), nata a Roma nel 2017 e di cui l'Italia è membro fondatore. La strategia HPC dell’Unione europea prevede poi la realizzazione entro il 2023 di 2 supercomputer “exascale”, cioè con una potenza di 1000 Pflops.

CRESCO6  favours Italy’s candidacy  to host at the Bologna Technopole by 2021-2022 one of the three supercomputers that will compose the European "pre-exascale" system, that is to say with a power between 200 and 300 Pflops, which the European Commission has entrusted to the dedicated European HPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), established in Rome in 2017 and of which Italy is a founding member. The HPC strategy of the European Union then envisages the creation by 2023 of 2 "exascale" supercomputers, that is to say with a power of 1000 Pflops.


Fo rmore information please contact:

Silvio Migliori, ENEA - Head Division Information Technology and ICT Systems Development,

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