Cultural heritage: ENEA technologies for the Center of Excellence in Rome


Nanotechnologies, sensors and hi-tech devices, biotechnologies, microorganisms and bio-based products as well as vibrating tables that simulate earthquakes and other solutions for restoration, protection and conservation of cultural, archival and book heritages. These are the technologies and infrastructures of excellence presented by ENEA at the second annual conference of the Center of Excellence  DTC Lazio, the Technological District for Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Lazio Region.

"ENEA participates in ten projects funded by the Region as part of the proposals presented through the DTC Lazio Association for a total of over 1.6 million euro split among all the partners involved, which also include at least one company per project ”, explained Roberta Fantoni, head of the ENEA Physical Technologies for Health and Safety Division, member of the DTC Lazio Management and Coordination Committee and moderator of the session “Biotechnologies applied to cultural heritage ”.

The projects concern laser and optical diagnostics, seismic prevention, bio-restoration and digitalization. Most of the diagnostic activities conducted by ENEA in the field of cultural heritage were developed at the Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, while the Departments of Sustainability of Production and Territorial Systems, and Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources are active in the other fields.

Ivan Roselli, ENEA researcher at the Laboratory of “Technologies  for the Dynamics of Structures and the Prevention of Seismic and Hydrogeological  Risk ”, who also attended the conference, presented the activities of vibrating tables- a unique infrastructure capable of reproducing both earthquakes that actually occurred and simulated ones-  used for trials and tests on the Riace Bronzes, Michelangelo's David and the Lateran obelisk.

The use of microorganisms and bio-based products for bio-restoration were at the focus of the speech by Flavia Tasso of the ENEA Laboratory of "Observations for the environment and climate", while Sabina Botti of the Laboratory "Micro and nanostructures for photonics ”and Monia Vadrucci at the Laboratory “Development of Particle Accelerators and Medical Applications” presented two cases of ENEA technologies applied to archival and library materials..

Finally, the session "Nanotechnologies, materials, sensors and devices" was moderated by Stella Styliani Fanou, ENEA researcher at the Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department and member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the DTC Lazio.

The event, which ook place at the Sapienza University of Rome (Aula Magna), wanted to be an occasion for discussion and study on research, innovation and higher education, as an opportunity for growth and development for the territory .

For more information please contact :

Roberta Fantoni, ENEA – Head Division of Physics Technologies for Health and Safety,

Impianto REX: cura e analisi di pergamena. Il trattamento di rimozione del biodegrado con radiazioni ionizzanti

Le tavole vibranti del Centro Ricerche ENEA della Casaccia

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