Cultural Heritage: ENEA’s innovative anti-seismic technology shown to a Korean Delegation
In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between ENEA and ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea) T, a Korean delegation of the NRICH (National Research institute of Cultural Heritage) has recently visited the Casaccia Research Centre.
The delegation was shown the shaking tables laboratory and the ENEA's technology for upgrading the safety and resistance of buildings against natural disasters.
The Korean guests described the whole framework of Korea's Cultural Heritage situation, particularly stressing the will to increase the research related to safety and disaster prevention and to contribute to the stable maintenance of Cultural Heritage.
ENEA’s expert, Dr. Gerardo De Canio, illustrated the technologies developed by the Agency for the safeguard of the Cultural Heritage, thus giving rise to a profitable mutual exchange of information.
The opportunity to host the Korean delegation stemmed from Enea's experts visit to Korea on the occasion of the first Korea-Italy Symposium on Disaster Prevention for Culture Heritage Preservation using Advanced ICT Technology, held in Seoul on April 2019. On that occasion, Dr. Antonio Palucci -Director of the Diagnostic and Metrology Laboratory of the ENEA Nuclear Fusion Department- and Dr. KIM Seongdo -Director of the Safety and Disaster Prevention Division of NRICH- discussed the innovative ENEA technology for cultural heritage preservation.