Cultural heritage: Italian technology for the Triton Fountain’s restoration in Malta


ENEA is part of the all-Italian team which conducted the restoration of the Triton Fountain in Malta thanks to a collaboration agreement with the company De Feo Restauri in Rome. The synergy between a highly specialized private company and a public research body gave a hi-tech imprint to the restoration of the symbolic monument of the Maltese capital, initiating an effective technological transfer activity from the laboratory to the company. After twelve months of work, the work by sculptor Vincent Apap and architect Victor Anastasi returned to 'dominate' the entrance of Valletta, declared European Capital of Culture 2018.

Photo credits: Fontana dei Tritoni (La Valletta) - copyright De Feo Restauri
The large travertine basin - with three Bronze tritons holding up a platter, was inaugurated in 1959 but over time, due to atmospheric agents, had  lost its original splendor. 'Our task - explained ENEA researcher Valeria Spizzichino - was first of all to identify the type of deterioration present on the surface of the fountain basin. We did this by using our laser eqipment on site, while the samples were analyzed at the ENEA laboratories of the Casaccia and Frascati research centers.

This type of investigation - the researcher went on- enabled us to identify the causes of degradation and the most suitable restoration intervention'.

The ENEA researchers then tested, together with the restorers, different methods of chemical cleaning of the surface, using four types of techniques on as many areas of the tank. All the compresses, consisting mostly of laponite and cellulose pulp, remained in contact with the surface of the fountain for around twenty-four hours. 'Subsequently, we analysed the treated parts, finding a different effectiveness associated with each treatment – pointed out Spizzichino - but in no case traces of calcite removal of the travertine were found, meaning that no damage occurred to the treated material. Our diagnostic technologies - the researcher concluded - allowed us to precisely identify the most suitable restoration technique for the fountain'.

The company De Feo Restauri, winner of the public tender announced by the Maltese government for the restoration of the fountain, together with the companies Coge Impianti and Fonderia Marinelli, involved ENEA as a scientific partner for diagnostic investigations. Already in 2014, the Italian company had worked on the restoration of the walls of Valletta as part of a larger project of redevelopment of the city started by architect Renzo Piano.

In addition to the restoration activities, sophisticated installations were carried out for the fountain, including the construction of a technical room below the square, a connecting tunnel of about 40 meters and a new pumping station, together with the installation of new hydraulic, electrical and mechanical systems, water treatment and a new lighting system.


For more information please contact:

Valeria Spizzichino – Laboratory of Diagnostics and Metrology - -


Video e Fotogallery:  Photo credits: Fontana dei Tritoni (La Valletta) - copyright De Feo Restauri