ENEA International Fellowship Programme 2015: VII edition at its official takeoff


With the publicationth, the VII edition of the ENEA International Fellowship Programme has officially taken off. The initiative will enable the award of eight six-month scholarships to be held at the Centres of Casaccia, Frascati and Trisaia

The program, which aims to help attracting most-promising talents from the rest of the world and to encourage the return of Italian researchers abroad, has become a cornerstone of the international activities of the Agency and responds concretely to the commitment assumed by ENEA when signing the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their recruitment.

Two are the main novelties this year: the target and the themes. In the first hand, the Agency has decided to  support those researchers willing to embark a research career , envisaging the access to the competition to early-stage researchers only. That is to say that only researchers in the first four years (full-time equivalent), by the time of the call deadline, will be entitled to apply.

On the other hand, ENEA has decided to focus its attention on a single content: EXPO Milano 2015. Unlike previous editions, actually, and given the exceptional nature of the initiative that will draw the attention of the world on the Universal exposition of Milan, the Agency has chosen to open all the vacancies dealing, although from different perspectives, with the theme of "Feeding Planet-Energy for life ".

Both interested foreign researchers and Italian ones living permanently abroad, will be able to send their applications by March 13, as specified in the competition announcement. An examination board, which will be appointed ad hoc, will carefully consider the academic qualifications, the scientific work experience and  the career development plan  of the applicants, drawing up a final merit, through an open competition and transparent, independent evaluation, using a series of pre-determined criteria.

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