ENEA is ready for the Euro-Mediterranean Platform on Energy Efficiency and Renewables
Intensifying cooperation among Euro-Mediterranean countries and diversifying energy supplies are among the goals of the three EU-MED platforms on natural gas, regional energy market (REM) and renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE), recently set up under the aegis of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission.
As a founding member of MEDENER – the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation – ENEA has held an international conference on the role of these new organisms and Action Plans still being defined, particularly on the possible spin-offs and synergy opportunities for Italian SMEs. Experts and representatives from several Italian and European institutions and enterprises – European Policies Department of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Edison, Enel Green Power, Eni, Terna, Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean (RES4MED), Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (OME), Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (Med-TSO) and Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MedReg) – have stressed the concept that the three Platforms are a fundamental step towards higher supply security, sustainability of investments and competitiveness among enterprises, under best practices and rules supranationally shared and harmonized. Actually this is a great opportunity for regional integration and inter-state cooperation in the areas north and south of the Mediterranean basin, and can be realized through Action Plans providing for the widespread participation of Mediterranean industries operating in this sector.
In such a context, and in concert with the other MEDENER members, ENEA is ready and available to coordinate the activities of the Euro-Mediterranean platform on energy efficiency and renewables, also by promoting regulatory frameworks and market assets able to encourage investments in the sector. Information campaigns for the public at large, specific operator-oriented training activities, development of energy diagnosis equipment, assessment and monitoring of the diverse measures for promoting energy efficiency have been widely planned. These are all activities which ENEA has carried out successfully for years both at the national and international levels.
As for the Platform on gas, its goal consists in favoring the production growth in the countries of North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean thus meeting the internal demand and exportation to the EU, with a view to creating a gas hub in the Mediterranean area.
For further information, please contact:
Dario Chello, ENEA Casaccia Research Centre, dario.chello@enea.it