ENEA software for energy efficiency in textile SMEs


“SET Tool, an easy-to-access, web-based tool, was presented during the campaign “Energy made to measure”, which schedules stops at the main Italian made manufacturing districts.

A software especially designed for SMEs,  providing to enterprises the opportunity to detect anomalies in energy consumption and make comparisons with other companies’ energy efficiency performances.  SET Tool, an innovative web platform interfaced with an Excel application for a total of 40thousand lines of code, allows to gather and analyze company data  in a correlated way, from consumption to manufacturing. It has been developed by ENEA in collaboration with enterprises and leading  European research centers in the textile sector.

Financed with funds from the European project SET  (Saving Energy in Textiles SMEs), of which ENEA is the only Italian partner, SET Tool is the subject of a campaign, “Energy made to measure”, promoted by Euratex, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation, that will involve at least 350 european companies and will be carried out by ENEA through tours to the main Italian textile districts. The objective is to involve small and medium sized enterprises in a strategy of growth based on sustainable production and energy efficiency in one of the most energy-intensive manufacturing sectors.

“Energy made to measure” has recently stopped in Prato and Biella, hosted by the local industry associations and will be in Varese and Como in the next few weeks.

“SET is based on two concepts -Piero de Sabbata, project coordinator for ENEA, pointed out-Energy efficiency strongly depends both on organizational aspects and the so called auxiliary systems (technical fluids, illumination, etc.). Companies have a significant amount of data on energy and production, fragmented across different functions, that if organized and synthesized can provide useful information on the company management.”

“This initiative is not alternative to energy audits- ENEA Researcher Giuseppe Nigliaccio, added-  but encourages enterprises to boost their performance in a sector occupying a crucial position in European economy,  since one out of ten manufacturing companies is in the textile and clothing sector.”

SET Tool is downloadable at www.em2m.eu/tools and is part of the ENEA Atlas of Technological Innovation, containing over 500 among advanced services, solutions and products available to companies, the Public Administration and citizens.

For more information please contact: www.em2m.enea.it

Piero De Sabbata, ENEA Bologna Research Center, piero.desabbata@enea.it


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