Energy Efficiency: Online ENEA magazine's latest issue dedicated to the superbonus


coverEAI.jpgThe latest issue of the magazine Energy, the Environment and Innovation  titled “Full speed ahead for energy efficiency”, dedicated to the Superbonus, the fiscal  measure to make your property more energy efficient covering 110% of the costs through tax deductions, is online on the ENEA website.       .

The magazine features contributions by energy actors and experts from the  ENEA Department of Energy Efficiency (DUEE) with in-depth analyses of projects and measures for energy efficiency, innovative materials, technological solutions to cut consumption and bills, smart and zero emissions buildings, energy audits, urban  eco-regeneration, the fight against energy poverty and climate change.

This latest edition has a focus on the opportunities the 110% Superbonus provides for savings and well-being and, in particular, as a key tool for economic and employment growth.

"The Superbonus can be a strategic lever for the relaunch, the economy, the creation of new jobs and the protection of the environment, combining a territorial  and residential requalification and CO2 emission reduction, the development of innovative technologies and further support to the building sector ”, ENEA President Federico Testa said. "As regards funds availability, the main tool for recovery, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, allocates 37% of the resources for climate-related investments: if the Member States used a third for redevelopment, we would have 80 billions in the next few years ".

“The pandemic risks having two impacts: one in slowing down the measures contained  in the PNIECs and in the real estate strategic upgrades, the other on post-COVID recovery consumption, which will a have a tendency to rise. The 110% Superbonus can respond effectively to these problems plus give new impetus to the requalification of the residential building sector,in which 3.5 billion euro were invested in 2019, generating savings of over 1,250 GWh / year ", Ilaria Bertini, Head of the ENEA Department DUEE, pointed out in her speech.

The magazine offers an overview of scenarios, policies, opportunities as well as critical issues and obstacles, through the contributions of various energy efficiency actors, members of European and national institutions like MEP Simona Bonafè, President of the Production Activities Commission of the Chamber Martina Nardi and former Under secretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Riccardo Fraccaro.


Additional contributions were provided by:

Claudia Canevari, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission:

Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive of Climate Strategy & Partners:

Adrian Joyce, Secretary General EuroACE:

Link to the compled magazine:

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