Seminars across Italy to present tax deductions for energy-saving home improvements


Promoting the requalification of Italian real estate assets by presenting to the professional and business world how tax deductions such as ‘ecobonus’ and ‘sismabonus’ work and the opportunities they provide, in the light of the last Budget Law. This is the objective of the series of free technical seminars organized by ENEA, in collaboration with the company Logical Soft and the professional orders and universities in the area, which will stop in some of the major Italian cities including Bari (March 26), Turin (16 April), Cagliari (15 May) and Padua (4 June).

The initiative was born to draw a concise picture of regulatory developments and the tools necessary to increase the energy performance of buildings and to make them safe. During the meetings, "Condomini + 4.0" will be presented, a free ENEA application developed by Logical Soft to analyze the energy-structural vulnerability of condominium buildings and assess their energy consumption and structural features, in line with the guidelines for energy diagnosis. of public buildings recently published by the Agency.

In addition to analyzing practical examples of energy improvement and seismic evaluation of existing buildings, the files destined to ENEA will be uploaded to the dedicated portal in order to evaluate the economic opportunities of the credit transfer mechanism with either direct solutions or with financial intermediaries.


For more information please contact:

Nicolandrea Calabrese, ENEA – Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Urban Development Laboratory,

Full program and registration to seminars:

App for Condos + 4.0:

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