Energy efficiency: SMEs, energy audit key tool to meet objectives


In order to reach the energy efficiency targets both at EU and national level, it will be essential to adopt policies that specifically address Europe's 25 million SMEs [1], which represent 99% of businesses and employ over 97 million employees.

This theme was the focus of the ENEA experts’ report presented at the webinar "Italy meets the IEA - Energy efficiency in buildings", the first of four events organized by the Permanent Delegation of Italy to the International Organizations in Paris, jointly with ENEA.

"The energy audit, for which Italy ranks top in Europe [2], is a fundamental tool for facilitating the implementation of energy efficiency measures in SMEs, which are the engine of the European economy", said Marcello Salvio, Head of the ENEA Laboratory for Energy Efficiency in Economic Sectors and in charge of  the presentation at the webinair.

In fact, it is estimated that the probabilities of investing in energy efficiency are 1.5 times greater for firms which carried out an energy audit, with consequent cost savings and abatement of CO2 emissions.

The ENEA experts analyzed tools and incentives available to SMEs and PAs for transition and energy efficiency, starting with the National Energy Efficiency Fund (FNEE), which allocated 185 million euro to help businesses, public administrations and ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) implement interventions aimed at achieving national energy efficiency targets.

The study also covered leading tools for promoting energy efficiency, like tax deductions (Ecobonus), white certificates and the thermal account.

ENEA coordinates eight national energy agencies within the European area, involved in the project LEAP4SME, to support member states establishing programs promoting energy efficiency and sustainability in SMEs, starting with energy audits.

Furthermore, to encourage business innovation, ENEA has launched the Knowledge Exchange Program (KEP) providing partnerships, coaching, support and tailor-made solutions aimed at strengthening growth and competitiveness.

The next webinars, part of the initiative "Italy meets the International Energy Agency (IEA - IEA)" will deal with energy transition and climate change.



[1] Including those of the United Kingdom

[2] In terms of compliance with Art. 8 of the EED (Energy Efficiency Directive)

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