Energy: ENEA and “Eni gas e luce” present new service for energy efficiency in buildings
ENEA President Federico Testa and the CEO of ‘Eni gas e luce’ Alberto Chiarini presented in Rome "CappottoMio" a service aimed at the energy requalification of condominium buildings foreesing the installation of the so-called "thermal coat" an efficient and effective technological solution. effective for reducing heat loss of buildings. At the presentation event, held at the ENEA headquarters in Rome, took part representatives of national and local institutions, the main trade associations of condominium administrators, consumer associations and the business community. CappottoMio was designed in compliance with the legislation on "ecobonus" (tax deductions up to 75% of the work) and "sismabonus" (up to 85%) with the possibility of transferring fiscal credit to third parties.
Alberto Chiarini, Chief Executive Officer of Eni gas and light, said: "CappottoMio is Eni gas and light’s innovative and effective answer to all the needs of condominiums, both from a technical and an economic standpoint. This service, the result of a close collaboration among the various professionals of our company and our partners, is not limited to thermal insulation of buildings but extends to the energy adjustment of condominiums’ thermal power plants, with the possibility of using all the tax advantages provided by the ecobonus.
The condominium that wants to install CappottoMio will be able to transfer to Eni gas and light’s operating partner all the tax deductions obtainable by law and pay, even in installments, only the remaining amount to balance the total expenditure. The condominium will be able to obtain the fixed rate financing of this residual amount up to ten years, allowing costs to be covered with the savings obtained”.
Federico Testa, President of ENEA, said: "With the instruments introduced by the latest budget laws, a virtuous model has been launched with significant environmental, energy and social repercussions, capable of involving citizens, multi-utilities and public administrations, mostly thanks to the possibility, for those who do not have sufficient fiscal capacity or those who believe they are not able to use them, to give the deductions to those who decide to carry out the interventions.
Moreover, the combination of ecobonus and sismabonus promotes the upgrading of degraded neighborhoods, particularly large condominiums built between the 50s and the 70s, on which no energy improvement has ever been made and which could generate savings of up to 60% of power consumption".
Designed by Eni gas and light with Harley & Dikkinson and the specialized partners of its energy service network, "CappottoMio" combines well with one of the cornerstones of Eni gas and light's mission which, from mere supplier of gas and electricity, aims at becoming a consultant to the customer-consumer conducting him towards a more efficient use of energy, to be used less and better.
In Italy Versalis, Eni's chemical company, manufactures in its Mantua plant expandable polystyrene or EPS, the most used insulating material for the construction of thermal coats.
ENEA, as National Agency for Energy Efficiency, provides technical-scientific support to companies, works as a reference for the public administration in the preparation, implementation and control of national energy policies, and conducts training and information campaigns for the dissemination of energy efficiency culture and the promotion of a sustainable concept of living, contributing to improving the quality of life of citizens.