Energy: ENEA attends world summit on renewable energy in Japan


ENEA will represent Italy at the second RD20 international conference dedicated to technologies for renewable energy sources, which will take place in Japan (online) until 9 October. Giorgio Graditi, director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources, speaking on behalf of ENEA, shall inform the representatives of the main research institutes of the G20 countries on the most advanced projects and technologies currently being researched by Italy, and in particular by ENEA, in line with national and European (Green New Deal) policies.

“During this summit, my task will be to point out to a highly qualified audience of scientists the scientific and technological progress made, starting with the technologies we are backing in order accelerate the process of energy transition and decarbonisation of the economy on vast scale”, comments Giorgio Graditi.

Among these key energy technologies, ENEA will showcase the latest innovations in the field of photovoltaic systems with high efficiency solar cells (perovskite) and concentrating thermodynamic solar power, with the testing of new solutions for the storage of thermal energy, currently underway. Not to mention the advanced energy management and control systems developed by ENEA, new generation batteries such as lithium-sulphur and sodium-ion; green hydrogen obtained from renewable energy sources and, lastly, capture, storage and utilization of carbon dioxide within the ambit of highly energy-intensive and polluting industrial sectors such as the steel industry.

Graditi adds, “The event shall also be an opportunity to learn about technologies and research and development projects relating to renewable energy sources underway in the various G20 countries and to explore potentials for international collaboration”.

The conference sees two online sessions: a “Technical Session” (29 September-2 October) with the focus on renewable energy, next generation energy management systems, batteries, hydrogen, and CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) technologies; and the “Leaders’ Session” (9 October), during which the representatives of the main scientific institutions of the G20 countries will meet and discuss the activities of their respective organizations in this sector.


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