Energy: ENEA coordinated national cluster reaches 75 associates


Studying, developing and transfering innovative technologies, devices, products and services to strengthen sustainability and competitiveness of Italian companies in the energy sectors of greatest interest, involving public and private stakeholders.

This is the objective of the National Energy Technology Cluster (CTN) which, in its fourth year of life, has reached 75 associates among companies, entrepreneurial representatives, territorial entities, universities and public research bodies and has launched two strategic research lines for a total of 2 million euro. To date, it includes entities like Eni, Enel with e-distribution, General Electric-Nuovo Pignone, Terna, CNR, RSE, EnSiEL who sit on the Cluster Board of Directors, the major Italian universities and polytechnics, numerous clusters and regional districts (which represent the chain of SMEs), innovation poles and inter-university consortia.

Extensive details and insights were published in the latest issue of the ENEA magazine Energy the Environment and Innovation dedicated to "Energy and Green New Deal - Strategies and methodologies for the energy transition and post-COVID relaunch" (

The first two industrial research pilot projects were launched and funded with approximately 2 million euro: the project Living Grid for the development of smart grids and energy storage technologies, and NeMESi (New Sustainable Energy Mix), for advanced solutions in the solar concentration sector and hybridization and integration with other energy sources to increase flexibility of electricity grids.

"Our objective is valorising the excellence of Italian made goods and products, attract investments and talents, encourage coordinated and inclusive action and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology, in particular to SMEs " – Gian Piero Celata, President of the Board of Directors of CTN Energia, explained-. How? Through actions supporting industrial research and the achievement of the targets set by the main strategic agendas such as Mission Innovation, SET-Plan, Horizon Europe, Energy Union Strategy, PNIEC, PNR, Smart Specialization Strategy-S3, Industry 4.0", he continued.

CTN Energia has also the purpose of promoting and supporting the creation of new high-tech companies; encouraging growth of existing skills and creating new professional figures as well as strengthen Italy's role in defining strategic European agendas for energy research, also taking into account the centrality of our country with respect to the Euro-Mediterranean area .

Among the technological macro-areas of interest of CTN Energia, are technologies and systems for production and use of hydrogen and Power-to-X; technologies, components and strategies for Smart Cities, energy communities and PEDs (Positive Energy Districts); technologies for production and use of renewable and decarbonised gases thanks to the implementation of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) technologies; energy storage (electrical, thermal, chemical) and related applications.

Other important issues are sustainable mobility, as a contribution to the development of innovative power trains and advanced power and recharging systems and smart grids, concerning all energy networks and their possible integration; renewable sources; energy efficiency in industrial processes; a sustainable use of fossil fuels and the development of fuels from renewable sources, in particular biofuels.

"CTN has a stimulating and supporting role in the development of projects coordinated by our Country, with a particular focus on synergy, connection and integration among research, innovation and industrial development in the energy sector - Giorgio Graditi, Coordinator of the Technical-Scientific Committee of CTN Energia and Director of the Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department of ENEA said - We want to help increase the success rate and encourage greater concentration in research areas of strategic interest for the national industry, as well as promoting technological transfer of research results and products with a view to the decarbonisation of the energy system ”.

CTN Energia, jointly with the other 11 National Technology Clusters, is also collaborating with the Agency for Territorial Cohesion to provide support to the processes of elaboration and implementation of Intelligent Specialization Strategies (S3) according to the 2021-2027 planning framework.

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