Energy: Energy-efficient Italy explained in ten “reality TV” episodes


Italia in classe A - La serie” is a series of ten episodes taking us on journey into the world of energy efficiency. This is the first “info-reality TV show’’ episode dedicated to energy efficiency, produced for the purposes of an information and training campaign. It starts in a large condominium in the Flaminio district of Rome. This “Italia in classe A” initiative showcasing Italy in the ‘top class’ (classe A) was planned by the Ministry of Economic Development and implemented by ENEA. The first episode has been online since 3 December on the Italia in Classe A portal (and on the portal of the media partner, La Stampa - Tuttogreen).

ricercatrici.jpgIt is dedicated to smart interventions and solutions thanks to which the residents of a condominium could cut their energy bills by over one third.

The condominium is made up of 5 buildings, with 254 units and a single heating plant. ENEA expert Antonio Disi and journalist Marco Gisotti are our ‘hosts’ for the series, assisted by a team of researchers from the Agency, gathering testimony from experts, administrators, professionals and the public at large, nationwide. Ilaria Bertini – heading ENEA’s energy efficiency unit, Dipartimento Unità Efficienza Energetica − states, “In this web series, the focus has been on instances of ‘excellence’ to show how we in Italy can work toward energy efficiency in all sectors, with excellent results and with great benefits for people as a whole, businesses and the environment”.

La crew della seria.jpg In the other episodes (each about 15 minutes long), this journey into the world of made-in-Italy energy-efficiency excellence then considers the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital in Rome, the Reggia di Venaria Reale palace (Turin), Rome’s Fiumicino Airport, the facility run by Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola located in Faenza (Ravenna), and the “Marinella” primary school in Bruino (Turin). Public administration activities and large-scale distribution shall also be dealt with.

Ms Bertini adds, “For the series, case studies were chosen which citizens can more readily identify themselves with, such as condominiums, of which there are 1.2 million in Italy, housing about 40 million people or 2/3 of the population of Italy (the ‘bulletin board’ of witnesses from the first episode). These residents represent 35% of national energy requirements as a whole”.

la bacheca dei testimoni dalla prima puntata.jpg
The witness bulletin board from the first episode
“During our exploration of energy-efficient Italy”, explains ENEA’s Antonio Disi, “we tell stories of the most varied nature: people who have cut consumption by 50%; those who have replaced 10,000 lights with a LED lighting solution; those who use a high-efficiency boiler to heat the equivalent of the population of a small town; not to mention players who have improved the environmental performance ratings of their production chains by curbing both consumption and emissions; those who saved more than they expected; and others who improved not only their own material comfort but also environmental conditions to enable both conservation and enjoyment of artworks”.

The episodes of Italia in Classe A – La serie will be posted online every week also on the “Italia in Classe A”, Facebook page where you can see the trailer:





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