Energy: Italian Ambassador to Cairo Giampaolo Cantini visits the MATS facility in Egypt


The thermodynamic solar plant built in Egypt under the MATS project, excellence of ENEA technology and one of a kind in the world ever, was visited this week by the Italian Ambassador to Cairo, Giampaolo Cantini. Alberto Giaconia, ENEA researcher at the Energy Technologies Department, illustrated the main features of the facility, based on solar technology developed at the beginning of last decade by Nobel Prize Carlo Rubbia. The MATS Project (MUltipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar), co-funded by the European Union (7th Framework Programme, contract n. 268219) and the Egyptian Government, "is demonstrating the validity of the technology developed by the Agency, but also the ability to cooperate with local realities and to transfer know-how in solar power production", Giaconia said; the goal is to replicate this very positive experience in other sites over the Egyptian and North African territories, also in the logic of development co-operation, to foster and disseminate innovative technologies in emerging economies.

For further information on the power plant technology:

talian Ambassador to Cairo