Energy: Next 27th February the thermodynamic solar plant MATS Opening Ceremony in Egypt
Next 27th February, the MATS (Multipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar) Plant Opening Ceremony will take place in Borg El Arab (Alexandria, Egypt). The event is the acme of the work carried out by a consortium gathering European and Egyptian partners under a co-funded EU FP7 project[1].
The project is the outcome of collaboration between research centres and industrial partners, coordinated by ENEA, that has led to an innovative thermodynamic solar plant. Actually, MATS is a combination of advanced solar-energy-producing technologies that are integrated with desalinated water and other energy sources available on site. Hence, the plant has been integrated into the local electricity, gas and water distribution networks. Along with this prominent technological results other advantages stem from training courses, capacity building and novel job opportunities for local workers in such a strategic sector for North Africa as renewable energy sources. The research consortium partners strongly aim at transforming a semi-desert region into a technological hub whilst preserving and consolidating the collaboration between the EU and Egypt over time in sustainable research, innovation and development.
During the two-day event, a visit to the MATS plant is scheduled on 27th February and, on the following day, a workshop on “Public-Private Partnerships and Technology Development in renewable energy” will take place in Cairo.
For further information:
The agenda of the opening cerimony
Alberto Giaconia, ENEA - MATS Project Coordinator –
Marina Leonardi, ENEA - Director for International Relations –