Energy: The EU project WinWind discusses social acceptance issues at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome
Identifying strategies to enhance the socially inclusive market uptake of wind energy has been the focus of both the 2nd Thematic Workshop on “Wind energy - Instruments and benefits for local communities” and the Policy Rountable recently organized by the Italian WinWind project partners ENEA and EcoAzioni. In total, 25 stakeholders attended the event at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome, Italy. These came from local authorities, energy utility companies, research institutes, environmental and non-profit associations. Notable attendees included representatives from government ministries who are responsible for the energy planning process, as well as regional government representatives from Abruzzo, Sardinia and Latium. Additionally, major energy suppliers including ENEL Green Power, Vestas, Edison, E2i Energie Speciali also attended the workshop.
In the framework of the Thematic Workshop, the Mayor of the Municipality of Tula (Province of Sassari in model Sardinia region) presented some insights into the benefits that Tula had experienced as a consequence of wind energy. These included economic, social and environmental benefits, namely stemming from the 400,000 euros/per year income from the wind farms generated for the local municipality. It was highlighted that an efficient management of the Wind Royalties within the local community focusing on local interests, represents a key element to improve social acceptance. It is also a useful tool for growing energy communities.
Subsequently, two specific presentations were given. The first one focused on the relevance and implications of the changes in Italian EIA Regulation (Environmental Impact Assessment - legislative Decree 104/2017). It was underlined that the implications of wind farms on health, ecosystems and climate change are now criteria that are taken more seriously into account in the EIA procedure. The second presentation explained the analysis, at a territorial level, of the determinants of wind energy capacity and evolution in Italy. This explored how the use of IT decision support systems can play a strategic roles in defining wind sites.
The policy roundtable was moderated by a representative from Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), who began the session by drawing attention on the EU’s new Renewable Energy Directive, which provides the basis for developing national regulatory frameworks which are related to the national planning process, as well as supporting citizens and communities to investing in renewables.
The ensuing debate focused on the barriers and drivers for energy community’s development, identifying suitable areas for wind energy repowering, the relationship between local and national authorities and also the dissemination of information on co-benefits of wind energy to citizens. Specific regulations should be implemented at national level in order to facilitate the repowering activities and the energy community’s development, two key solutions to deal with social acceptance issues in Italy.
At the end of the meeting, the representatives from Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection and Ministry of Economic Development pointed out that the results of WinWind project can help the diffusion of wind power in Italy. A contribution was requested for the implementation of the 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan.
A dedicated Policy Session on Social Acceptance of RES to be held in Brussels on 19 June 2019, as part of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), organized by ICLEI Europe together with the Architects’ Council of Europe and the Regional Council of Lapland, will discuss on how to foster social acceptance, and what socio-political, socio-environmental, and socio-economic incentives can maximize the impacts of citizens´ engagement in delivering the energy transition. The upcoming Policy session can be decisive in securing a more sustainable implementation of the medium and long term strategy of the EU, and of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
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