Energy: The international consultation on energy efficiency has kicked off
“Sinergy between energy efficiency and behavioural change” is the 2016 subject of the international debate launched by the State General of Energy Efficiency. The initiative is aimed at promoting energy efficiency through simpler legislation and the adoption of financing mechanisms and innovative communication and training strategies.
The presentation of the public consultation –available on the online platform statigeneraliefficienzaenergetica – has taken place during the conference on “Tools for Energy Efficiency in Public Finance and Private Investments”, attended by Enrico Morando, Vice Minister of Economy, Federico Testa, President of ENEA, and representatives from BEI, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, APRE and the Ministry of the Environment.
The event focused on energy efficiency as the tool for economic growth, the barriers to accessing credit and the poor knowledge of available incentives and the consequent potential savings.
“In Italy, energy efficiency can be a significant tool for economy and jobs recovery, with a national supply chain that has nothing to envy to other countries –said Federico Testa, President of ENEA– Today’s challenge is the ‘deep renovation’ of energy-intensive condominiums mainly built between the ‘50s and the ‘70s, that is the majority of Italy’s residential buildings.
Deep renovation interventions can abate energy consumption by 60%, with a huge economic and social potential thanks to the resulting upgrading of entire districts so degraded in our cities, where millions of households dwell”.
During the event, the new issue of the ENEA magazine “Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione” on energy efficiency has been presented. In the opening article, the interview to Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director .
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