Environment: 10 tips to efficiently use air conditioning and keep bills low-cost


ENEA has published 10 practical tips on how to make efficient and sustainable use of air conditioning so that rooms are cooled cost-effectively. Such suggestions are given by the ENEA experts from the Agency for Energy Efficiency.

Mind the energy class – The first tip for an ‘intelligent’ use of air conditioning   refers to the careful choice of the air conditioner: energy class A or higher models are to be preferred.

  1. Choose the inverters -  The devices endowed with inverter technology adjust power to the actual energy demand and reduce the switch-on/switch-off cycles. Hence they are to be preferred.
  2. Take advantage of incentives – When purchasing a heat pump completely or partially replacing the old thermal plant, you can benefit from the ‘Ecobonus’, the 65% IRPEF tax deduction available until 31 December 2016, or from the ‘Thermal account’, an incentive which differs according to the plant size.
  3. Mind the position – You would better place the air conditioner in the upper part of the wall: actually, cold air tends to go down and mix with warm air which, instead, tends to go up. Absolutely do not place the air conditioner behind couch or curtains: this creates a barrier effect preventing fresh air from diffusing in the room.
  4. Mind not to cool a room too much – Two or three degrees lower than external temperature are enough. You often have to turn on the “dehumidification” mode, since it is humidity in the air that makes you perceive a temperature much higher than it actually is.
  5. Each room needs its own air conditioner – Installing a powerful air conditioner in the corridor hoping that it cools the whole house is not correct: the only result will be a coldstroke each time you walk through the corridor to one room or another, because it will be the only place to be cooled.
  6. Do not let doors nor windows open – It might seem commonplace, but doing so prevents from heating the air indoor.
  7. Insulate the cooling circuit tubes outdoor – When exposed to direct sunlight, they can deteriorate. It is also important to make sure that the external part of the air conditioner be not exposed to direct sunlight and bad weather conditions.
  8. Use the timer and the ‘Night’ mode – By so doing, the ‘on’ time of the air conditioner is reduced to the minimum.
  9. Always perform cleaning and correct maintenance – Air filters and fans must be cleaned at the first seasonal power-on and at least every two weeks, since they easily host mold and bacteria harmful to health. Once they are deteriorated, they must be replaced. It is also important to control the gas circuit seal.


For more info:

Antonio Disi, ENEA – Energy Efficiency Technica Unit - antonio.disi@enea.it

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