Environment: 'SALLO! Quiz', 20 questions to find out what we know about climate change
What do we know about climate change and how is affecting our daily lives? How much do we know about the things we can do to fight against climate change and what governments are doing to tackle it?
These are the themes of the online survey SALLO!Quiz, created by ENEA to gather data on the most common climate change beliefs and strengthen the dialogue between research and civil society, also in view of the Pre-COP26 in Milan (September 30 - October 2, 2021) and COP26 in Glasgow (October 31 - November 12, 2021).
The questionnaire (in Italian) is anonymous and will take about 15 minutes to complete. It includes 20 questions on topics such as climate and global warming, costs and impacts of climate change, sectors generating the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions, policies, strategies, expectations and good practices. The answers will be available on the ENEA website starting from September and the aggregate results of the questionnaire presented at the Pre-COP 26 and published on the website and the Agency's social media accounts.
“Finding out what we know about climate change is important to remove behavioral barriers and understand how to develop effective communication strategies; for this reason we encourage the widest possible participation in the initiative", Melania Michetti, researcher at the ENEA Division of Models and Technologies for Anthropic Impacts and Natural Risks Reduction, pointed out. "We also believe that raising public awareness is key to promoting a bottom-up socio-cultural change, capable of triggering virtuous behaviors and guiding a real and effective transition to a more sustainable and resilient society," she continued.
The questionnaire was designed at the ENEA Department of Sustainability of Productive and Territorial Systems, which develops new production and consumption systems based on sustainable use of resources, reduction of emissions and related impacts, land management - including marine-coastal areas- and mitigation of hydrogeological and seismic risks. In particular, its activities concern R&D of technologies, methods, processes and products; design and construction of prototypes; supply of advanced technical services, transfer and dissemination of knowledge and technologies to companies, local and national institutions and citizens.
For more information please contact:
Melania Michetti, ENEA – Division of Models and Technologies for Anthropic Impacts and Natural Risks Reduction, melania.michetti@enea.it
For more information on the questionnaire and to partecipate: