Environment: Set up in Naples sea and coastal observatory Foundation


The "Sea and Coastal Observatory" Foundation has been set up in Naples with the participation of ENEA, CNR, INGV, the Dohrn Foundation, the Experimental Southern Zooprophylactic Institute (IZSM) and the Port System Authority as founding members, the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, the three Universities of Naples "Federico II", "L'Orientale" and "Parthenope” and ARPA Campania as institutional partner. The main purpose of this "participatory foundation" is to create an integrated multidisciplinary monitoring network of the sea and coasts of Campania,  capable of providing environmental risk predicting models and early warning systems to support the actions of government bodies.

"ENEA has already made available its multifaceted expertise, starting with the Portici Research Center, to strengthen and integrate that of the Observatory's partners for an effective action in the field of environmental protection and “blue” growth: from environmental characterization to predictive modeling, from ecotoxicology to marine ecology”, Roberto Morabito, Head of the ENEA Department for Sustainability of Production and Territorial systems explained. "I believe the Observatory is also an important tool to support a sustainable territorial development of Campania, with the sea as a central element. I hope this new institution at the service of the territory can also tackle issues like green ports, resilient landings, sustainable tourism and the new production chains linked to sea economy, from shipbuilding to fishing ”.

The issues on which the Foundation can immediately provide a direct and concrete contribution range from Marine Strategy and the achievement of the GES (Good Environmental Status) of marine ecosystems by 2020, as foreseen by the European Directive, to coastal mapping ( Sea regulatory plan) up to the adaptation of the Portualità (Management and adaptation of  volcanic risk evacuation plans and public health).

The new Foundation is divided into thematic tables addressing both competences recognition and analysis of data, competences with programs and projects for monitoring and research and planning with objectives that concern the development and sustainable enhancement of Sea’s natural and cultural heritage. In fact, the coastal area of ​​the Campania region, which extends for over 500 km, is characterized by areas of considerable environmental, landscape and archaeological interest, but is also subject to strong anthropic pressure with widespread violations of current regulations.



For more information: http://www.osservatoriodelmare.it/

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