Environment: The made-in-Italy hydromethane bus awarded a prize by the European Commission


The European Commission awarded the “Best Life Environment 2014” prize to the MHybus hydromethane bus project, developed by ENEA in collaboration with Aster, SOL, START Romagna and the Emilia Romagna Region.

The bus produces lower CO2 emissions than other public transport vehicles due to the particular composition of the fuel, a mixture made of 15% hydrogen (by volume) and 85% methane.

"By adding hydrogen - says Antonino Genovese, ENEA test manager – 2 emissions decrease thanks to both the lower carbon content of the fuel and the improved combustion conditions causing lower specific consumption".

ENEA researchers have been specifically involved in the development of the vehicle, laboratory tests, the hydromethane refuelling equipment and road tests. Trials have shown that the greatest expense is due to the filling station, whereas the engine can be adjusted to the new fuel at modest costs.

Once all technical tests have proven successful and the 45,000 Km on-the-road target has been reached, the bus has obtained the circulation licence by the Italian Ministry of Transport.

The prototype bus is in regular service and has already covered more than 60,000 km, emitting fewer CO2 emissions equivalent to about 8 million tons.

The prize was awarded to the 22 best projects funded by the "Life" programme for "Environment and climate action" initiatives."

For further information, please contact:

Antonino Genovese, Casaccia Research Centre, antonino.genovese@enea.it

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