EUPORIAS survey on users' needs


16 April 2014

Whilst societies have flourished or collapsed according to their ability of dealing with climate variability and change it is only recently that we have acquired the ability to predict future environmental conditions. EUPORIAS - European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales -, a project funded by the European Commission under the 7th framework program, intends to improve our ability to maximise the societal benefit of these new technologies.

In the framework of the project, ENEA is responsible for managing relationships with stakeholders in addition to research activities in the field of climate.

The EUPORIAS team invite you to participate in this short and anonymous survey that will help us understand users’ needs in Europe with regard to seasonal to decadal climate predictions (from a month up to 10 years into the future).

The survey can be accessed here:

Such findings will help team to advance existing knowledge of users’ needs with regard to this type of climate predictions but also potentially improve the provision of seasonal to decadal climate predictions in Europe and for organisations such as yours.

They would also ask you to please forward the link to this survey to any other organisations that you know and that may be of relevance to this study.

This survey is part of the EUPORIAS project ( funded by the European Commission.

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