First Musical Instrument in the World made from Certified Italian Wood


September 14, 2015

A unique harpsichord constructed with Italian wood from eco-friendly woods and forests has received the PEFC certificate (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification), the world's leading forest certification organisation for sustainable forest management.

The harpsichord, a “Modello Giusti 1679” made by a small Friuli Venezia Giulia firm, “Leita Brothers”, was exhibited for the first time at the Made Expo 2015 in Milan.

Enea has been involved in the project from the beginning. Research workers from the Research Centre of Bologna (Centro di Ricerche di Bologna) together with “Filiera Foresta-Legno”, the first network of enterprises in Italy of the chain Forest-Wood, have identified the main quality parameters and strategic elements on which to focus the market positioning of the instrument.

“Our study demonstrates the importance of aspects such as the choice of tree species, their location and the most suitable processing of materials. These together represent 72% of the overall quality expected and is only one example of the collaboration our laboratory has with small and medium-sized local businesses.” explains Enea research scientist,  Gilda Massa.

For more information please contact:
Gilda Massa, ENEA CROSS-TEC Laboratory,
Nicola Gessa, ENEA CROSS-TEC Laboratory,

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