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- Inserting the ITER Winding Pack in the coil cases, SIMIC, Marghera, Italy, 2019. © Manuela Schiara and Fabrizio Giraldi
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- Europe’s first Toroidal Field coil going through the final manufacturing steps. F4E and SIMIC members of staff in the middle of the component (measuring 17 m high x 9 m wide, weighing 320 tonnes), SIMIC, Marghera, Italy, February 2020.
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- Technicians standing next two of Europe’s Winding Packs, the inner-part of the ITER Toroidal Field coils, ASG Superconductors, La Spezia, Italy, 2017.
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- Machining of the ITER Radial plate in progress at SIMIC, Marghera, Italy, 2015.
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- Representatives of the ICAS consortium and F4E completing the production of 20 km of conductor length for Europe’s Toroidal Field coils, Turin, Italy, 2016
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- Two pre-machined ITER Radial Plates ready for electron beam welding operations at CNIM, Toulon, France, 2014. ©Christophe Chabert
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- Europe’s first powerful superconducting magnet for ITER is ready. More than 40 companies, counting 700 people, have received money from the EU to manufacture this component. Nine more magnets are in production. F4E, SIMIC members of staff stand in the middle of the component (17 m high x 9 m wide, 320 tonnes). Picture taken at SIMIC factory, Marghera, Italy, March 2020.
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