- STSMedPalermo.jpg
- ppAnthosart.jpg
- ppPiazza100.jpg
- ppBobinaITER.jpg
- ppENEAagricoltura.jpg
- 4445eb7a0c7c45ae9b5c6b24ce8a0b42.jpeg
- 27b6d367f87248beb176f503a0b5aeba.jpeg
- 18b8338ffcc4445882d1203e9faf44e4.jpeg
- IMG_3947.JPG
- AreaMarinaLampedusa.png
- bagsproducedwithPODEBAprocess.jpg
- PODEBAfinalproductsgarmentsbagscartels.jpg
- 307035f6708c4307866c9fa35f8a906f.jpeg
- 24condizionatore.png
- canapaedilizia02.jpg
- LineaBioKenaf2.jpg
- canapaedilizia01.jpg
- 8bc3e604f98e495f943ededeb3acf173.jpeg
- 94b84ac0d9244b91b5b2e547e7eeb372.jpeg
- b05c2972171547779752b1498fa4ef57.jpeg
- b4133a8e8d664fa89f76c470d2348206.png
- ppPresRappIEA.jpg
- Supercalcolatore.jpg
- copy3_of_image.jpg
- 15UNMINUTO.jpg
- cystic fibrosis
- Lab cystic fibrosis
- ceramic materials
- Ceramic materials
- materials for hydrogen storage
- materials for hydrogen storage
- Lampedusa station for electric vehicles
- Lampedusa station for electric vehicles
- Team Lampedusa
- Lampedusa team
- Grafico
- Nuclear Summit
- Nuclear Summit
- Laser billi
- Laser radar Billi
- Salone Tessile
- Salone tessile
- Logo ICTP
- logo ICTP
- Ricercatori
- Researcher
- vulcano
- vulcano Etna
- Smart City
- Smart City
- Genechron
- Metrofood
- logo
- Italian base in Antarctica
- Italian base in Antarctica
- Italian base in Antarctica Zucchelli
- Italian base in Antarctica Zucchelli
- Antisismic
- antisismic generators
- Te lo dice Monica
- banner
- Citizenscience
- banner
- Testa Ecomondo
- Stand ecomondo
- Stand Monica
- Stand Monica
- Parigi e oltre
- cover
- Sea Data Net
- sea
- Techitaly
- banner
- Dario Chello
- chello medner
- Antartide
- antartic
- Monica eppela
- banner
- banner Monica
- banner
- Monica EN
- banner
- Agricoltur products
- agricoltur products
- economiacircolare.jpg
- ENEAPICCHIOBrochure.jpg
- AgricolturaCooperazioneCina.jpg
- LACHEC2016.jpg
- PPBiotecnologie.jpg
- efficienzaEnergetica.png
- NLengEconomiaCircolare.gif
- Gasificion.png
- Internally Circulating Fluidised Gasification Plant (1 MWth) with integrated Catalytic Ceramic Candles system for In-Situ gas filtration and conditioning. 4B) Scheme of reactor . Technology jointly patented by ENEA and University of L’Aquila
- Fluid.png
- Dual Fluidised Bed Steam Gasification Plant Multi-stage air/steam gasification plant (500 kWth) with separate plug flow pyrolysis, partial oxidation of tars (vortex combustion), downdraft gasification and syngas filtration on char bed. Technology developed in collaboration with Ansaldo Energia
- delegazione.png
- copy_of_Fluid.png
- Dual Fluidised Bed Steam Gasification Plant Multi-stage air/steam gasification plant (500 kWth) with separate plug flow pyrolysis, partial oxidation of tars (vortex combustion), downdraft gasification and syngas filtration on char bed. Technology developed in collaboration with Ansaldo Energia
- MOD_HIZEVallastandENEAdiH2R830x553.jpg
- ENEA Toschiba
- From the left: Bruno Lombardi (Toshiba TeD - Chief Executive Officer), Kensaku Shinozaki (NEDO -Deputy Director International Projects Group), Federico Testa (ENEA – President); Kikuo Takagi (Toshiba Corporation - Technology Executive for Transmission and Distribution Systems), Gian Piero Celata (ENEA – Director Department of Energy Technologies), Giorgio Graditi (ENEA – Head Photovoltaic Systems and Smart Grid Laboratory)
- ENEA Toshiba signature
- Signature ENEA Toshiba
- Monica Team
- Monica Team
- Professionals Africa
- banner
- Wind and solar
- solar enegy
- Health and food
- Figure 1 Epigenetic effects on man-Source:
- Omega 3
- Some foods containing omega-3 (
- greenhouse
- greenhouse
- serra 01
- greenhouse
- serra 02
- greenhouse
- Convention Cile
- convention
- Raw materials
- raw materials
- prove sismiche 01
- seismic waves
- prove sismiche 02
- seismic waves
- laboratory
- laboratory
- Japans group
- Japans group
- Italian coil
- italian coil
- experimental reactor
- reactor
- extreme
- banner
- Agreement smart city
- Matera agreement
- agreement Matera
- professional without borders
- CASD Delegation
- decalog
- Roma Inquinamento
- EAI.jpg
- Energia Ambiente e Innovazione
- Franceschini
- Sixth sense
- Energie Rinnovabili
- Group shot before departure. XXXII Summer Campaign in MZS completed.
- Group shot before departure. XXXII Summer Campaign in MZS completed. The next group of researchers and technicians for a new summer campaign is expected in October.