- Italica leaves TerraNova Bay in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, after embarking the last participants and following the closure of the “Mario Zucchelli” station
- Italica leaves TerraNova Bay in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, after embarking the last participants and following the closure of the “Mario Zucchelli” station
- ppFelipe.jpeg
- solar panel
- Building.jpg
- energy
- CinemaClasseA.jpeg
- banner
- reattore.jpeg
- KitAntisismico
- robot
- Lifetan1
- Lifetan2
- Lifetan3
- Lifetan4
- logo
- MacFruitVerticalFarm
- MacFruitVerticalFarm02
- magnet ASG
- The magnet at the ASG Superconductors Facility in La Spezia
- magnet ASG01
- The magnet at the ASG Superconductors Facility in La Spezia
- mediterraneo1
- Measures of a submerged grinding mill at the Sant Elme mills in Maiorca, Spain
- mercatoimmobiliare
- mercatoimmobiliare(1)
- mediterraneo2
- Measures of a millstone quarry at Torre Santa Sabina (Lecce)
- MonitorChina
- PEWEC Catania
- ppAnalisiENEA2016
- ppBi Stretch 4 Biomed
- ppCirculareconomic
- ppCopernicus
- The lidar fluorosensor developed within the RITMARE project
- ppEnergyManager
- ppFiorellaCarnevali
- Fiorella Carnevali ENEA
- ppinquinamento
- ppInquinamento(1)
- ppKitAntisismico
- earthquake
- ppProgettoIMEAS
- ppProgettoSUMCASTEC
- ppProtor accelerator
- ppteeschools
- ResearchChina
- ppTestSismici
- ProgettoInterplan
- Proton accelerator
- Site Iter
- The ITER construction site (Cadarache, France)
- Targa
- Testa DTT
- meeting
- Testa Batiston
- President of ENEA Federico Testa (on the right) and Roberto Battiston (President of ASI)
- TestaManoftheyear
- TestaPremio
- 01 Bollettino 2017
- 02Bollettinotrimestrale2017
- cover
- 07DTT
- altemps
- altemps02
- altemps03
- ASL01
- ASL02
- Astana546x291
- delegazioneGiapponeFrascati02
- coverEAISmartCity
- cover
- delegazionebotswana
- delegazioneGiapponeFrascati03
- DelegazioneBotswana02
- DelegazioneBotswana03
- delegazioneGiapponeFrascati01
- delegazioneGiapponeFrascati04
- DTT Eurofusion
- meeting
- EnergyManager
- EnergyManager02
- FedericoAngelini
- Federico Angelini on Minerva UNO
- Flussoenegiaondosa
- Sea energy flux along the italian coastline (West Sardinia and Sicily)
- FrancescoColao
- Francesco Colao on Minerva UNO
- FTU 1
- MarzoTripepi.jpg
- work
- KitAntisismico2.jpg
- image
- CessioneQuoteing.jpg
- banner
- ppProgettoIMEAS.jpeg
- Algheartificiali.jpeg
- marine plants
- Algheartificiali01.jpeg
- sea
- copy_of_Algheartificiali.jpeg
- ENEAAlgheartificiali.jpg
- algae
- Laser01.jpg
- Postazionemisure.jpg
- Accmaeci.jpg
- From the right: Ahmed Badr Executive Director RCREEE and Dario Chello President of Medener
- Accmaeci01.jpg
- From the right: Pierre El-Khoury Chairman of RCREEE Board of Trustees, Ahmed Badr Executive Director RCREEE, Dario Chello President of Medener, Roberto Vigotti Secretary General RES4MED, Valeria Termini Commissioner of Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water
- ProgettoVALUEMAG.jpg
- banner project
- PPfrascati.jpg
- Frascati center
- FedericoTesta.jpg
- Federico Testa, President
- pphorizon.jpg
- banner
- ProgettoMaGICLandscapes.jpg
- Openday.jpg
- banner open day
- pptwas.jpg
- ENEAJRCmeetingfoto.jpg
- ENEA's delegation and Vladimir Šucha, Director General of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
- SistemaFRMF.jpg
- Figure 1 - Free Release Measurement Facilities, developed by MetroDECOM partners, during the testing and demonstration phase at Ispra's JRC
- Sfereacciaio.jpg
- Figure 2 - Steel spheres (47 mm diameter) each containing a standard source of Co-60 are introduced, together with other inactive spheres, in the containers of materials for radiological control by FRMF for system qualification tests
- PPAtlas.jpg
- banner
- PProbot.jpg
- robot