Innovation: a novel method to obtain nanometric-sized ceramic materials


ENEA has patented an innovative process to obtain nanometric-sized materials (inferior to one millionth of a millimeter) to be applied in the electronics, aerospace (heat shields in aircrafts), automotive (brake disks) and  steel sectors.

ceramic materialsThis method allows to raise production rates of advanced ceramic materials while cutting energy consumption. The ceramic materials sector is well on the rise due to their particular mechanical properties (hardness and resistance), thermal properties (high conductivity and thermal resistance) and chemical properties (corrosion resistance and chemical inertia).

They are also used in the manufacturing  of abrasive products, mechanical appliances and high- temperature heat exchangers. But the extraordinary characteristics of ceramic materials allow to further widen the scope of application since they guarantee improved performance or even new properties to the products that employ them.

Silicon carbide, for instance, one of the main ceramic materials for commercial application, keeps its properties unaltered up to 1,400 °C,  masters corrosion, abrasion and erosion as skillfully as it stands up to frictional wear and is toxicologically safe.

A set of characteristics that makes it – together with the other advanced ceramics- an increasingly widespread material in large- scale markets such as the food industry, but also in the extraction and refinery, medicine, chemical and electronics sectors, up to electric energy production.


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