Innovation: blockchain, Italy to create first national infrastructure


Creating the first Italian blockchain-based network for the provision of services of public interest, in line with the principles of protection, integrity, interoperability and information sharing.

This is the objective of the project IBSI (Italian Blockchain Service Infrastructure), promoted by the Agency for Digital Italy (AGiD), CIMEA, CSI Piemonte, ENEA, INAIL, INFRATEL ITALIA, INPS, Milan Polytechnic, Poste Italiane, RSE, GSE , SOGEI and the University of Cagliari, which aims at experimenting with the development of an ecosystem based on distributed registers-based technologies (or DLT), in line with the European Strategy, for the creation, with Italy’s contribution, of a similar infrastructure as part of the European Blockchain Partnership.

The project IBSI aims at boosting digitization in the Country and conducting  research and development activities on the distinctive features of blockchain technology to exploit its full potential, such as implementing the full use of digital certificates, tracking down Made in Italy counterfeit goods, developing sustainable and renewable energy models and, more generally, contributing to the fight against climate change.

Through data simulation, applications and uses will be developed to facilitate the relationship with users and, as regards the PA, increase simplification, transparency, safety and effectiveness of exchange and services, in compliance with the “once-only principle” that enables citizens and businesses to provide data only once when interacting with public administrations.

Specifically, use cases will be analyzed for certification of qualifications, exchange of tokens digitally representing  real tradable assets, values or rights, traceability of production chains and supply chains as well as  prototypes and pilot projects for the provision of public services to citizens.

The blockchain, together with Artificial Intelligence and IoT, is on the Italian government’s Agenda: a national blockchain infrastructure is therefore essential for Italy to play a proactive role in synergy with the corresponding European technological infrastructure.

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