Italian Development Cooperation and ENEA together for sustainable use of water and energy in agriculture


“NEXUS. Food, water and energy for sustainable development” is the meeting scenario where the importance of a coherent and sustainable use of water and energy resources for agricultural development is emphasized. Actually, it is a joint technical seminar to be held next March 5, organized by ENEA and the General Direction for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The economist Enrico Giovannini –former Italian Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and former Chairman of the Italian National Institute for Statistics (ISTAT)–  will be attending as a speaker.

It is a sort of preview of those very issues that will be the object of the Expo 2015 event on May 21, which will be hosting high representatives from both European Commission and United Nations.

Source: Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy and Foood Nexus - Irena 2015 Publication

In the final document of the Rio + 20 Conference, water, energy and land have been identified as priority areas: the efficient use of these natural resources, which contribute to food production, is recognized as a first step towards eradication of poverty and the promotion of sustainable economic and social development.

Already today, 70% of global water consumption is due to intensive crops and livestock farming, whereas nearly one billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and one billion people suffer from hunger. The food sector currently accounts for around 30 per cent of the world’s total energy consumption while, on the other hand, two and a half billion people have no access to modern forms of energy. These challenges will intensify in the future as population growth, economic development and climate change will speed up competition for food, water and energy. Actually, the OECD estimates that by 2050 the global demand for energy and water will increase by 80% and 55%, respectively. By the same period, FAO estimates a 60% increase in the demand for food.


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