Marie Curie Actions 2012 Road Show: Final Report


6 December 2012


European Union 7th Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions aim at strengthening quantitatively and qualitatively the human potential in research and technology in Europe by stimulating people to enter into the profession of researcher, encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe,  attracting to Europe researchers from the entire world and making Europe more attractive to the best researchers. As one of the main drivers of technological development in Europe, research centers play a critical role in building and strengthening the skills and experience of researchers.

“Marie Curie Actions 2012 Road Show” building on the experiences with the 2011 Road Show carried the banner of encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe by making them mobile between different European research institutes of this Road Show Network which is enlarged in 2012 compared to the previous year. In that context the “Marie Curie Actions 2012 Road Show” was organized by 7 European research organizations which assisted to set up a link between the national research communities and the participating research institutes. This report has been prepared to give an overview on the purpose, the concept, the statistics, the participation rate, the satisfaction level, the impact and the future directions of the Marie Curie Actions 2012 Road Show.

The report will be shared with the European Commission (EC) and Research Executive Agency, People Specific Programme – Programme Committee Delegates, Experts, and National Contact Points (NCPs) as well as the representatives of the participating research organizations, all of which contributed to the success of the Marie Curie Actions 2012 Road Show.


Download the Final Report

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