Matè, the new portal dedicated to the European Capital of Culture


A GPS navigator both in Italian and in English, a website and an App, 9 cultural itineraries and over 50 tales to enrich the cultural offer of the southern Italian city Matera, the 2019 European Capital of Culture, known to most as the city of the Sassi. These are the figures of "Smart Culture and Tourism", a project for sustainable tourism development and enhancement of urban, cultural and landscape heritage in the Basilicata Region, also awarded by the PA Forum among the 25 best travel Apps promoting the regions of  Southern Italy.

The platform, developed by ENEA with a group of students from the high schools "IIS GB Pentasuglia" and "IIS E. Duni - C. Levi" of Matera as part of a work-related learning project, is available at "matè. it "and can be accessed through the free app " Mapcast "(MATE ') both in Italian and English, with exclusive audios, videos, texts and geolocated images on the cultural offer of the city.

The initiative was also awarded one of the 5 "APP4Sud" prizes of Forum PA, ranking among 25 best projects to promote Southern Italy, which integrate digital technology with narration and the involvement of the user, as part of the event "Open Doors to innovation", which deals with cohesion policies for the innovation and sustainable development of Southern Italy, organized by the FPA under the patronage of the Representation of the European Commission to Italy, the City of Palermo and the Sicilian Region.

The 9 itineraries are: "Panem et Circenses", among the old mills, places of culture and filming locations in Matera; "Meeting places" among the squares of the "struscio" and everyday life scenes in Matera; "The Shepherds’procession", which opens the festa of the Madonna Bruna,  protector of Matera at the first light of dawn to greet the "Portrait of the Virgin Mary"; "Green Matera", which winds from the city to the park of the Murgia among wide green areas; "Timeless Matera", a new social dimension of the city to be shared with loved ones according to one’s available time; "Matera a stone after another", the essence of this ancient rock settlement with houses carved into the stone and, finally "Matera among art, culture and design", the creative and innovative city, an exclusive itinerary among cultural paths, ancient dwellings and places where time stands still; "Matera in films", which retraces the places of the city used as a stand-in of biblical Palestine in famous films, such as Pasolini’s "The Gospel according to St. Matthew" (1964) and Mel Gibson’s  "The Passion of the Christ" (2002); Itinerary 9, developed by a trainee architect, "MATE’", told by those living there (as it was - as it will be) towards an idea of ​​urban park", for the revitalization of the park Serra Venerdì, a suburban park acting as a filter and connection with the rural plain of Lake San Giuliano, at the service of the entire city of Matera.

"Based on the assessment of the city’s resources and the needs expressed by the citizens, the project aims at creating a large urban social network, with initiatives promoting information sharing and the exchange of ideas on different issues, opening a dialog among the past, present and future to stimulate creative and proactive actions, enhance a sense of community belonging and support tourism" Antonella Tundo of the ENEA Smart Energy Division  and project contact person, said.

Smart Culture and Tourism is part of the project Smart Basilicata, funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research for an efficient and sustainable management of the environment, mobility, energy and social innovation of the Public Administration and the citizens of Basilicata. In addition to ENEA, the project partners include the technological district Technologies for Earth Observation and Natural Risks (TeRN), the University of Basilicata, Enel Distribuzione and the CNR.

The ENEA Smart Energy division has been involved for years in the transformation of urban and territorial contexts in Smart City and Smart Land and in outlining a national urban and territorial innovation strategy. For example with the project "SmartItaly Goal" aimed at implementing the smart city concept in municipalities, thanks to the development of tailor-made models and tools to facilitate its implementation, reduce costs, maximize results, simplify access to information and create a policy and a community of smart cities and administrators.

"ENEA’s approach to the smart city is based on low environmental and high social impact technologies with the purpose of improving the quality of life of citizens. "It’s a bottom-up process, aimed at triggering urban regeneration processes strongly based on social synergy, active participation and virtuous behavior of people through training, organizational and technological processes" Mauro Annunziato, Head of the ENEA Smart Energy Division, concluded.


For more information please contact:

Antonella Tundo, ENEA - Smart Energy Division,




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