Competitive method to purify biogas for transport and power


ENEA has patented a method to purify biogas and use it as fuel for transport and electricity production. It’s a time and cost competitive process providing for the elimination of a harmful compound like hydrogen sulphide by turning it into sulfur, thanks to  particular bacteria, made more efficient by the wavelengths of LED illumination.

Hydrogen sulphide must be eliminated because of both its toxicity and corrosivity, which can damage ducts and plants. The sulfur exctrated can be used for several industrial and agronomic uses, such as in organic farming for the production of natural plant protection products. "Biogas is generated by the fermentation of biomass by microorganisms. In addition to its two main costituents, methane and carbon dioxide, secondary compounds such as hydrogen sulfide are present. In order to be used as fuel, the methane contained in the biogas must be separated from both these compounds and carbon dioxide, with a process called biogas upgrading", Elena De Luca, ENEA researcher and inventor of the patent, explained.

"The process, appropriately developed, will be used for producing biomethane at significantly lower costs than current purification systems. Furthermore, the increase in biomethane production could have positive effects on the environment thanks to a greater use in road transport ", Elena De Luca concluded.

For more information please contact:

Elena De Luca, ENEA,