Workshop on ’Energy Transition’ at ENEA’S headquarters within the framework of the EU project "MILESECURE-2050"


‘’European Societies Facing Energy Transition’’ will be at the focus of the event to be held in Rome, at ENEA’s headquarters on 17-18 February, 2015, within the framework of the EU project "MILESECURE-2050. Multidimensional Impact of the Low-Carbon European Strategy of Energy Security, and Socio-Economic Dimension up to 2050 Perspective".

Financed under 7FP, the event will be dedicated to the analysis of the technological, political, economic, and behavioural drivers and obstacles to a low-carbon energy transition in the medium and long term. At its current stage, the project analysis is centred on some European energy transition experiences towards a low-carbon society, with special focus on the human factor. logolowcarbon.jpg

On February 17, an international seminar (in English) will open the event. It will be organized in an Opening Session and two separate thematic sessions, focusing on two key issues of MILESECURE-2050: understanding the role of the human factor in the process of energy transition, and studying the relationship between transition and energy security.

The intermediate results of the project will be presented, followed by a round table with 20 experts from different European countries. Target stakeholders of this seminar will be the scientific community, energy experts, policy makers and representatives from civil society. On February 18, a regional workshop (in Italian) will be held, dedicated to policymakers and all energy stakeholders, with speeches by representatives of the industrial community, local bodies, and professional and political associations.

For more information....

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