Promoting "Women in Clean Energy"
Promoting a greater participation for women in the clean energy field is the goal of “Women in Clean Energy”, the initiative included in the new International Energy Agency Program “Technical Collaborative Program - Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (TCP-C3E)”, where Italy is represented by ENEA as a member of the Executive Committee. Launched on July 2010 during the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), the initiative stems from the awareness that climate change challenges are to be met by gathering ideas and talents from all societal parties.
C3E’s goal is to acknowledge and build a community of women leaders in energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-carbon technologies and to empower their role by making their presence and career development in such sectors stronger.
The side event was hosted by Sweden, who adhered to the initiative along with Italy and Canada since the beginning, and is aimed at raising awareness among public and private decision-makers on the added value of women’s active participation in the development of Clean Energy.
The objective is to promote a broad collaboration among IEA member countries, international organizations, industry and stakeholders, in order to identify recommendations and sign shared agreements (golden rules) to abate all barriers that hinder women’s larger presence still today.
The event has been interactive and centered on technical aspects such as building an information framework on women’s condition, actions to undertake, and will be concluded by involving high-level policy-makers and representatives from the private sectors who will announce their commitment to support the initiative.