Smart cities: Towards new standards


ENEA is hosting the international workshop on “Developing a consensus Framework for Smart City Architectures” till tomorrow. Smart cities is a growing market and a global one with significant competitiveness implications for both industry and municipalities.

Mauro Annunziato (ENEA) e Chris Greer (NIST)
On April 14 and 15, 2016, ENEA is hosting the second international workshop - but the first at EU level - on “Developing a consensus Framework for Smart City Architectures”. The meeting is opened by  Mauro Annunziato, Head of Smart Energy Division, ENEA and by Chris Greer, Director Smart Grid and Cyber- Physical Systems Program Office, NIST.

The event has been promoted by NIST – the US Department of commerce’s National Institute of standards and Technology, and is being attended by over one hundred Delegates from the partners supporting the initiative: ANSI (the American National Agency for new Technologies), ETSI (the European Telecommunications Standard Institute), MSIP (the  Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Science, ICT and future planning), USGBC (the US Green building Council) and FIWARE, an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet applications and service.

As a matter of fact, smart cities is a growing market and a global one with significant competitiveness implications for both industry and municipalities, but two barriers still burden an effective and powerful smart cities solution: shortage of interoperability of ICT deployments and lack of common consensus on smart city architectural principles.

In order to deal with these issues, and in the aim of contributing in moving up a gear, the working group will proceed in a comparative analysis of existing architectural efforts. The output will be a white paper providing a common, voluntary, consensus foundation of language/taxonomy and common architectural principles that can align these existing efforts to produce complementary, coherent, language/taxonomy and common architectural principles that will support interoperable and portable smart applications.

For further information:

Rome Workshop Meeting

Mauro Annunziato, ENEA Casaccia Research Center,

Flavia Amato, ENEA International Relations Unit,

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