Technologies for cultural heritage: Italian project for the safeguarding the Aurelian Walls in Rome
Hi-tech sensors to monitor the effects of smog and traffic on the Aurelian Walls, laser surveys for the restoration of Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia. These are just few of the activities foreseen by the project ADAMO for the conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage of the Rome area. The project, coordinated by ENEA and funded by the Regione Lazio, is part of the new Technological District for Cultural Assets and Activities (DTC).
ADAMO (Analysis, Diagnostics and Monitoring) foresees a direct collaboration with companies in the sector and the transfer to the cultural heritage of the most sophisticated technologies developed by the Agency and the seven project partners, the CNR, INFN, the three public universities of Rome " La Sapienza ", Tor Vergata and Roma 3 and the Tuscia University.
The interventions and technologies to be used for each site have already been identified: on the Aurelian Walls, in the segment near Porta San Sebastiano, for instance, hi-tech sensors will be positioned to monitor the effects produced by traffic and natural events like earthquakes, as well as temperature and humidity; in the Centocelle Archaeological Park, researchers, archaeologists and restorers will work together to reconstruct the history of Villa della Piscina and the chronology of the construction phases; at the Palazzo Vescovile di Frascati the state of preservation of frescoes and wall paintings will be verified, as in Villa Mondragone of Monte Porzio Catone where, in addition to the paintings, the technologies will examine the health conditions of the fountains; at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia, hi-tech surveys will allow to study unique items such as wall leather furniture and decorations as well as precious canvases and marble busts present in the historic apartments on the main floor.
"So far we have identified six historical sites within the metropolitan area of Rome, focusing on cultural heritage that is not part of traditional tourist circuits. These places, on which a historical and socio-economic analysis is to be conducted, will be a test bench for our technologies and an opportunity to meet and collaborate with companies and experts in the sector, such as archaeologists and restorers", Roberta Fantoni, Head of the ENEA Division" Physical Technologies for Safety and Health "said.
Among the techniques that will be put in place by the project ADAMO, there is fluorescence induced by lasers in ultraviolet, Raman spectroscopy, which allow to obtain, quickly and without any risk for the work of art, information on the materials, state of conservation, a possible retouching by the artist or previous restorations of the surface, and X-ray fluorescence and investigations by means of infrared and THz radiation, to examine the artwork under its surface.
In addition to the project ADAMO, of which ENEA is coordinator, the Agency will participate in "SISMI", on technologies for safety improvement and the reconstruction of historic centers in the seismic area, and in "ECODIGIT", for the creation of a digital ecosystem enabling the fruition and enhancement of cultural assets and activities.
All these initiatives are part of the Center of Excellence at the Lazio Technological District for Cultural Assets and Activities funded by the Region with 6 million euro, joined by all the public universities of Lazio (La Sapienza, as leader, Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, Tuscia, Cassino and Lazio Meridionale) and the research institutes CNR, ENEA and INFN, for a total of 800 researchers experienced in the cultural heritage sector, 400 among grant holders, contractors, post-docs and several spin-offs.
For more information please contact:
Roberta Fantoni, ENEA - Physical Technologies for Health and Safety Division,