The SACSA Project hosts ENEA’s proposal for international cooperation: let’s feed the planet with knowledge


The “SACSA Project:  sawing  future. Knowledge to foster food security”  coordinated by Centro Internazionale per la Pace fra i Popoli Onlus with the technical assistance of ENEA, has started and  is addressing twenty villages in Burkina Faso.

12senegal.ipgThe project is financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is mainly aimed at improving  the agricultural productivity of the rural communities in Northwest Burkina Faso, an area at high risk of poverty and malnutrition due to endemic  water scarcity.

Amongst the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso’s economy is mainly based on subsistence farming: families grow hardly enough crop to satisfy their  basic needs on an unfertile  land, while scanty raining enhances its degradation process  and hastens desertification.

ENEA will provide technical assistance to install innovative systems for  water withdrawal with solar powered  pumps and for irrigation. At the heart of the SACSA Project, though, there is  the  idea of spreading advanced competence and  training Burkinabe specialists and technicians to operate autonomously  and do maintenance of the devices installed.  ENEA will so cooperate with the Burkinabe Ministry of Secondary Education  to the realization of two training centres  for sustainable agricultural development in the cities of  Koudougou and Ouahigouya.

ENEA  will provide specialised  tutoring  to the Burkinabe trainers as well as to international cooperation experts,  who will then take part in an awareness campaign in Italy to address 50 schools within the framework of “Educate for the future”, the ENEA Programme dedicated to students. It’s just like saying: our young people, too, can and must educate themselves to cope with their future as aware citizens of a globalized world.


For further information:

Ing. Marco Stefanoni, in charge of ENEA activity for the SACSA Proejct ,, only in Italian

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