Water management: in Jordan a pilot initiative within the ‘Water-Drop’ Project


ENEA Headquarters hosted the Seminar “Water-DROP capitalization seminar: Italian experiences in ENPI CBC MED projects” on the theme of water in all its aspects: from sanitation to water resource management , to water use efficiency.

The Secretary General of the Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation Basem Ali Telfah (in the picture on the left, next to Filippo Moretti of ENEA, Coordinator of the project “Water DROP”)  was among the leading figures at the seminar.

The project “Water DROP” (Water Development Opportunity Policies for Water Management in semi-arid areas), coordinated by ENEA, conducts monitoring of fresh and coastal water in Lebanon, treatment and water reuse for agriculture in Palestine, rainwater collection in Jordan and a feasibility study for the environmental restoration of the swamp of Torre Flavia in the Latium Region in Italy, all to the benefit of the almost three million citizens living in the four areas defined by “Water DROP” as “pilot” initiatives.

The objective is to establish a common area of peace, stability and prosperity among the Mediterranean Countries of the European Union (EUMC) and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). The project, lasting two years, is co-financed by 90% by the EU, with a financial contribution of approximately 1.7 million euro, 50% of which destined to the Southern Mediterranean Countries.

For more information please contact:

Filippo Moretti, ENEA Casaccia Research Center, filippo.moretti@enea.it

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