
News 2019

Computer technology: CRESCO6 enters the TOP500 of the most powerful supercomputers on the Planet

ENEA's CRESCO6 supercomputer enters the prestigious TOP500 world's most powerful computing machines, thanks to a doubling of power reaching 1.4 million billion mathematical operations per second (1.4 PetaFlops). Its 420th place entry on the first 500 world supercomputers list was officially announced at the Dallas SuperComputing 2018, the main event in the field of scientific computing.

Computer technology: CRESCO6 enters the TOP500 of the most powerful supercomputers on the Planet - Read More…

Technologies for cultural heritage: Italian project for the safeguarding the Aurelian Walls in Rome

Hi-tech sensors to monitor the effects of smog and traffic on the Aurelian Walls, laser surveys for the restoration of Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia. These are just few of the activities foreseen by the project ADAMO for the conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage of the Rome area. The project, coordinated by ENEA and funded by the Regione Lazio, is part of the new Technological District for Cultural Assets and Activities (DTC).

Technologies for cultural heritage: Italian project for the safeguarding the Aurelian Walls in Rome - Read More…

Development cooperation: "Professionals without borders", a project focused on renewables and training

Involving and enhancing the role of African diasporas in Italy to promote development in their countries of origin, also through field training in the sectors of energy and agriculture. This is the objective of "Professionals Without Borders: Diasporas’ Skills for Local Economic Development in Sahelian Africa", a project developed by FOCSIV with the support of ENEA and other partners, whose results were presented today in Rome.

Development cooperation: "Professionals without borders", a project focused on renewables and training - Read More…

(all news from 2022 to now)