
News 2020

Innovation: ENEA, 1 million euro for development projects in partnership with companies

Genetic vaccines, advanced solutions for green building and energy efficiency, hi-tech sensors and a hydrogen engine for boats: these are some of the 21 projects approved by ENEA to develop innovative technologies, which will be able to access the funds available on the Internal investment fund of the so-called Proof of Concept. Overall, the projects will be allocated 1 million euro, doubling the 500 thousand euro which were destined to 16 projects last year

Innovation: ENEA, 1 million euro for development projects in partnership with companies - Read More…

Innovation: Patented a 'smart' label to monitor product conservation

Researchers from the ENEA Portici Center (Naples) have patented a wireless temperature indicator to monitor the conservation status of perishable products in the agri-food, medical and pharmaceutical sector. The indicator, inserted in the label, does not require batteries or sensors and can signal with a simple "yes-no" the exceeding of a predetermined temperature threshold and store the data to view it at a later time

Innovation: Patented a 'smart' label to monitor product conservation - Read More…

Research: Study ENEA-University of Padua -ESRF on the structure of Potato Virus X in Nature Chemical Biology

A novel path for the development of new anti-viral compounds. A team of researchers at the University of Padua, ENEA and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has succeeded in 'photographing' the structure of Potato Virus X (PVX), a plant pathogen very harmful to potatoes and other edible plant species like tomatoes and peppers, paving the way for the development of new anti-viral compounds capable of counteracting the infectivity of this and other viruses

Research: Study ENEA-University of Padua -ESRF on the structure of Potato Virus X in Nature Chemical Biology - Read More…

Research: ENEA 2020-2022 plan envisages 420 million investments and 280 new hires

Investments of over 420 million euro in new infrastructures, 280 new hires and a boost of research activities, support for innovation and transfer of advanced technologies. These are the strategic elements of the ENEA three-year activity plan, approved by the Board of Directors for the period 2020-2022 and submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development for approval

Research: ENEA 2020-2022 plan envisages 420 million investments and 280 new hires - Read More…

Environment: Liguria, underwater laboratory to monitor the sea and test new technologies

A hi-tech laboratory 10 meters below sea level in the Gulf of Poets (La Spezia), equipped with a digital camera, sensors for monitoring environmental parameters (temperature, salinity and current speed) and special cages for studying the degradation of plastics and the absorption of polluting substances in the marine environment

Environment: Liguria, underwater laboratory to monitor the sea and test new technologies - Read More…

Sustainability: The end user at the center of a new electric mobility project

Promoting the diffusion of electric mobility in Europe through several actions which put the user and his needs at the center of innovation. This is the goal of the new European project USER-CHI, with the participation of ENEA with Roma Servizi Mobilità, Enel X and DSI, together with other partners from Spain, Finland, Germany and Hungary

Sustainability: The end user at the center of a new electric mobility project - Read More…

Energy: ENEA analysis of national post-COP21 decarbonisation policies

Development of deep decarbonisation scenarios by 2050 and analysis of Italy's industrial competitiveness for the production and export of some of the main low-carbon energy technologies, such as photovoltaic panels, batteries and electric vehicles. These are the ENEA contributions to the European project COP21 RIPPLES, funded by the EU Horizon2020 program with approximately 3 million euro and coordinated by the French Institut pour le Developpement Durable, in collaboration with 17 international research institutes

Energy: ENEA analysis of national post-COP21 decarbonisation policies - Read More…

Research: Europe’s superconducting magnet is ready to confine the energy of the Sun

This is the first of–a–kind magnet made in Europe and it will be part of ITER, the biggest international experiment in the history of mankind to test the potential of fusion energy—the power of the Sun and the stars which when replicated on Earth will help us enjoy limitless, safe, clean energy without greenhouse gas emissions.

Research: Europe’s superconducting magnet is ready to confine the energy of the Sun - Read More…

Innovation: ENEA develops new biodegradable and smart materials

"Smart" biofilms that change color in presence of food deterioration or prolong their expiration date; 100% biodegradable and compostable composite materials. These are the new "green plastics" developed by researchers at the ENEA Brindisi Research Center for possible applications in food packaging, furnishings and internal coatings for means of transport.

Innovation: ENEA develops new biodegradable and smart materials - Read More…

Central Italy earthquake: ENEA laboratories open to citizens to involve them in reconstruction

Combining technological and socio-cultural elements by involving citizens in the reconstruction of the areas affected by the 2016-2017 earthquakes in Central Italy. This is the innovative approach implemented by ENEA, together with the Rome universities Sapienza and Roma Tre, as part of the project SISMI Project of the Technological District for Cultural Heritage of Lazio.

Central Italy earthquake: ENEA laboratories open to citizens to involve them in reconstruction - Read More…

Agro-industry: New food frontiers, edible insects bred with organic waste

The ENEA Trisaia Research Center (Matera) is experimenting with how to obtain new flours with high nutraceutical value from insects. A team of researchers, specialized in frontier research on the circular economy, has managed to "breed" an insect known as "flour moth" - the Tenebrio molitor"- with food and cereal waste, in order to obtain protein flours useful for animal feed production and new products for human consumption (novelfood).

Agro-industry: New food frontiers, edible insects bred with organic waste - Read More…

Photovoltaic: All-italian the most efficient "tandem" solar cell technology

An innovative “tandem” solar cell in perovskite and silicon with a record efficiency of over 26% was developed by an all-Italian group comprising researchers from the ENEA Photovoltaic Technologies Laboratory, University of Rome “Tor Vergata ”(With the CHOSE center), the IIT - Italian Institute of Technology (with Graphene Labs and its spin-off BeDimensional). The results of this research were published in the international journal Joule

Photovoltaic: All-italian the most efficient "tandem" solar cell technology - Read More…

Antarctica: "Change of season" in the two Italian bases

The 16th winter campaign of the National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA), funded by the Ministry of University and Research and implemented by the CNR for scientific planning and coordination and by ENEA for planning and logistical organization of shipments, has started at the Italian-French Station Concordia located on the Antarctic Plateau at a height of over 3000 m above sea.

Antarctica: "Change of season" in the two Italian bases - Read More…

Environment: First Festival of environmental journalism to be held in Rome from 6 to 8 March

Promoting and enhancing the role of environmental journalism as a lever to spread a culture of sustainability. This is the aim of the first Environmental Journalism Festival which will take place from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 March at MAXXI, in Rome, organized by the Ministry of the Environment and ENEA with ISPRA and the Italian Federation of Environmental Media (FIMA).

Environment: First Festival of environmental journalism to be held in Rome from 6 to 8 March - Read More…

Energy: At the start European platform for "smart" contracts

Making building energy performance contracts more flexible thanks to the role of "smart" consumers played by owners. This is the objective of the project European AmBIENCe (Active Managed Buildings with Energy Performance Contracting), which comprises seven partners from four countries: ENEA for Italy; VITO, BPIE and Energinvest for Belgium; IK4 for Spain; INESC TEC and EDP CNET for Portugal.

Energy: At the start European platform for "smart" contracts - Read More…

Research: ENEA unveils enzyme responsible for saffron flavor

A team of researchers at the ENEA Casaccia Research Center has developed a biotechnological method to produce picrocrocin, the molecule responsible for the taste of saffron, and safranal, the compound that contributes to its aroma, useful in the agro-food industry to reproduce its sensory characteristics. The results of the studies conducted in collaboration with the Spanish University of Castilla-La Mancha were published in the international journal New Phytologist.

Research: ENEA unveils enzyme responsible for saffron flavor - Read More…

Antarctica: The "Bassi" record, no Italian ship has ever gone so far south

During a sampling in the Ross Sea in Antarctica, the icebreaker "Laura Bassi" of the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) touched the latitude 78 ° 41.1006S, the southernmost point on Earth ever reached by an Italian ship. The previous "Italian record" also belonged to an OGS research vessel, the "Explora", while the "world record" is held by the cruise liner "The World" which in 2017 went to just over 1 mile further south (about 2 km from the point reached by the Laura Bassi).

Antarctica: The "Bassi" record, no Italian ship has ever gone so far south - Read More…

Environment: Abandoned buildings turned into vertical greenhouses thanks to a project with ENEA

Regenerating abandoned warehouses and buildings such as barracks, warehouses and roadworkers’ houses by turning them into vertical greenhouses for hydroponic cultivation, i.e. out of soil, which offers higher amount of produce yelded with minimum water consumption and without the use of pesticides.

Environment: Abandoned buildings turned into vertical greenhouses thanks to a project with ENEA - Read More…

(all news from 2022 to now)