
News 2021


Cultural heritage: From ENEA and Cnr an acoustic technology to assess damage caused by humidity

Preemptively assessing water damage by infiltration on works of art and archaeological sites through sound. That’s the purpose of an innovative diagnostic device ENEA (coordinator) and Cnr are developing as part of the project ReMEDIA, also funded by the Lazio Region, to turn the prototype into a commercial product thanks to the support of regional companies in the cultural heritage sector.

Cultural heritage: From ENEA and Cnr an acoustic technology to assess damage caused by humidity - Read More…

Innovation: ENEA takes the field for 500 million euro super accelerator

Developing in Italy a super accelerator of subatomic plasma particles, capable of obtaining higher energies than current accelerators with smaller size and reduced costs, for industrial, pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. This is the goal of the project EuPRAXIA (EUropean Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications), funded with approximately 500 million by the European Strategic Forum for ESFRI Research Infrastructures of which 108 by the Ministry of University and Research. In addition to ENEA, INFN (leader), Cnr, the universities of Rome Sapienza and Tor Vergata and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste also participate

Innovation: ENEA takes the field for 500 million euro super accelerator - Read More…

Energy: ENEA researcher first Italian to lead main international conference on photovoltaics

Alessandra Scognamiglio, ENEA researcher at the Portici Research Center, has been appointed to lead the largest international conference on Photovoltaics (World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion - WCPEC) to be held next year from 26 to 30 September in Milan. Appointed General Chair following a selection procedure, she is the first Italian to lead the main international event in photovoltaics, which unites the three main conferences of this field, the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EUPVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (IEEE PVSC) and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC).

Energy: ENEA researcher first Italian to lead main international conference on photovoltaics - Read More…

Research: Launched first EU call to access research infrastructures for the study of perovskite solar cells

The first VIPERLAB call for researchers from academia and industry to access European research infrastructures with the aim of developing perovskite cell technology, one of the most promising for next generation photovoltaics, has been launched. Participation costs are borne by the European Commission and applications must be sent by November 30, 2021.

Research: Launched first EU call to access research infrastructures for the study of perovskite solar cells - Read More…

School: “Green Generation” - ENEA Special Issue on the environment, energy and climate - is online

The latest issue of the ENEA science magazine "Energy, the Environment and Innovation" (EAI) -"Green Generation: young people, the environment and innovation for a sustainable future"- presented on World Teachers' Day and devoted to the world of school, is available at eai.enea.it.

School: “Green Generation” - ENEA Special Issue on the environment, energy and climate - is online - Read More…

Energy: ENEA and Terna join forces to improve safety and resilience of the electric grid

Improving resilience and safety of the national electric grid through innovative technologies and systems of artificial intelligence, sensors, IoT and high-resolution forecasting models. These are the objectives of two projects ENEA will develop on behalf of Terna to boost the effectiveness of post-emergency prevention and "recovery" actions, the assessment of the impact and risks of extreme weather and geological events and other electrical faults due to, for instance, salt accumulation on power lines.

Energy: ENEA and Terna join forces to improve safety and resilience of the electric grid - Read More…

Expo Dubai: ENEA presents frontier technologies to support life in space

Innovative biotechnologies and frontier technologies to allow humans, plants, insects and bacteria to survive and recreate the cycle of life in space are some of the research and development activities in the field of Space economy ENEA presents at the Space Week (17-23 October) at Expo 2020 Dubai, the Universal Exposition hosted in the United Arab Emirates until 31 March 2022.

Expo Dubai: ENEA presents frontier technologies to support life in space - Read More…

Agroindustry: ENEA developed the first photoacoustic laser for food fraud detection

"SafeFood", the first photoacoustic laser system for detecting adulterated foods, developed by ENEA, is available to food industries and large distribution chains. The prototype can detect in real time contaminants on untreated samples of small amounts of product. "This laser system, designed to be installed in production lines, can be easily carried and the measurement conducted in just a few minutes", Luca Fiorani, researcher at the ENEA Diagnostics and Metrology Laboratory of the Frascati Research Center.

Agroindustry: ENEA developed the first photoacoustic laser for food fraud detection - Read More…

Energy: EU project against false claims on environmental impact of products

Detecting and preventing manipulation of standards test scores of energy-related products is the goal of the European project ANTICSS (Anti-Circumvention of Standards for better market Surveillance), comprising researchers from 19 institutions in eight EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain). ENEA, the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce, the Italian Institute of Quality Mark (IMQ) as test and measurement laboratory, attended for italy.

Energy: EU project against false claims on environmental impact of products - Read More…

Environment: ENEA survey on climate change lands in Scotland (and beyond)

The Italian Institute of Culture and the Italian Consulate General in Edinburgh, in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, will promote in Scotland and beyond the online survey "ClimateWakeUp!Quiz" created by ENEA to gather data on the most common climate change beliefs and strengthen the dialogue between the academics and the general public as part of the background for COP26 in Glasgow (October 31 - November 12, 2021).

Environment: ENEA survey on climate change lands in Scotland (and beyond) - Read More…

Cultural heritage: Robotic system with laser scanner to reassemble fragmented statues

A robotic system, equipped with a laser scanner to help restorers reassemble fragmented statues, was conceived and patented by architect Pietro Nardelli as part of RestART [1], a project funded by the EU and the Lazio Region comprising the restoration company Ma.Co.Rè srl jointly with ENEA -which validated the technology- the National Roman Museum and the Central Institute of Restoration of Rome.

Cultural heritage: Robotic system with laser scanner to reassemble fragmented statues - Read More…

Ecomondo exhibition 2021: ENEA to present its latest research on circular and blue economy, hydrogen and renewables

ENEA will present its latest research in the field of circular and blue economy, sustainability, strategic raw materials and renewable energy at the Ecomondo / Key Energy 2021 international fair, to be held again in presence, where companies, institutions, associations and citizens will discuss the new ecological and energy transition scenarios (Rimini, 26-29 October).

Ecomondo exhibition 2021: ENEA to present its latest research on circular and blue economy, hydrogen and renewables - Read More…

Environment: ENEA at pre COP26 in Milan to address "fake news" about climate change

Climate and global warming, the costs and impacts of climate change, the sectors generating the largest shares of greenhouse gas emissions, policies, strategies, estimated scenarios and best practices are the themes the ENEA side event "SALLO – tutto quello che avreSte voluto sApere suL cambiamento cLimaticO”, will be exploring at the Pre-COP 26 in Milan, scheduled for 1 October (live streamed at 5 pm on the ENEA Eventi YouTube channel and the website All4Climate

Environment: ENEA at pre COP26 in Milan to address "fake news" about climate change - Read More…

Energy: ENEA and RES4Africa together for the development of renewables in North Africa thanks to agrivoltaic

Promoting the development of agrivoltaic and green energy in the countries of the southern Mediterranean, avoiding conflicts linked to soil consumption, water, and food shortages. This is the aim of the memorandum of understanding signed by ENEA and RES4Africa Foundation, which promotes the spread of renewable energy in Africa.

Energy: ENEA and RES4Africa together for the development of renewables in North Africa thanks to agrivoltaic - Read More…

Innovation: ENEA patents technique to generate high-intensity electromagnetic fields in a shorter time

Researchers at the ENEA Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety Department patented a technique to quickly charge a material through its interaction with a high-energy laser pulse, to generate high-intensity electromagnetic fields reaching their maximum intensity very quickly and on large units, for possible applications in the field of particle acceleration and in the medical, biological, aerospace and materials science sectors.

Innovation: ENEA patents technique to generate high-intensity electromagnetic fields in a shorter time - Read More…

Environment: Hi-tech solutions, innovative radars and sensors for sinkhole risk mitigation in cities

Preventing sinkholes and landslides that endanger citizens and the territory thanks to a set of advanced technologies - radars, innovative sensors, geophysical prospecting - capable of analyzing the subsoil under roads and public parks and detecting possible cavities up to 3-4 meters below the surface.

Environment: Hi-tech solutions, innovative radars and sensors for sinkhole risk mitigation in cities - Read More…