Jul 21, 2016
ENEA has published 10 practical tips on how to make efficient and sustainable use of air conditioning so that rooms are cooled cost-effectively. Such suggestions are given by the ENEA experts from the Agency for Energy Efficiency
Jul 07, 2016
With energy efficiency 3 billion euro savings on oil and gas import.
Italy comes in at the top for energy efficiency: in less than ten years Italian households have spent nearly 28 billion euro (+12% in one year) to reduce waste and make their homes more energy efficient, with 2.5 million energy efficiency interventions between 2007 and 2015. A green trend supporting a supply chain of an average of 50 thousand jobs yearly.
Jul 07, 2016
Energy consumption in the Italian agri-food sector decreased both as absolute value (-21%, from 16.79 to 13.3 Mtep) and as a share of the final energy consumption in Italy between 2013 and 2014 (from 13% to 11.1%) but there’s scope for an additional decrease with green measures and technologies
Jul 07, 2016
An all Italian-made magnet, bigger and more technologically advanced that has ever been developed will be employed in the fabrication of ITER, the world largest nuclear fusion facility under construction in France. It’s a gigantic D shaped coil, made of superconducting cables, that the Italian ASG Superconductors is manufacturing at its factories.
Jul 07, 2016
The first Smart Community Pilot Project is kicking off in L’Aquila. A virtual space where citizens and associations can exchange information and solutions to tackle problems and promote initiatives in the interest of the community
Jul 07, 2016
The University of Nicosia recently hosted the Water-DROP final Conference “Water Development Resources: Opportunity Policies for the Water Management in Semi-Arid Areas”
Jun 23, 2016
ENEA has launched the Quarterly Review of the Italian energy system, the new information service whose first issue shows a snapshot of the first three-months of 2016 and analyzes the 2015 trends. Among the innovations, a condensed index for evaluating how well the so-called energy trilemma (decarbonisation, energy security and energy affordability) - around 63% in 2015- is addressed
Jun 23, 2016
Thanks to the International project STS-Med, in which ENEA participates, four small- sized solar concentrations plants have been set up in Italy, Egypt, Cyprus and Giordany
Jun 23, 2016
Substituting toxic substances with waste from natural substances, reducing the use of chlorine and achieving a 20% water reduction in the leather tanning process. The ENEA coordinates EU project LIFETAN, aiming at radically changing in a sustainable direction the European tanning industry within two years, has just kicked off
Jun 23, 2016
Scientific research and international cooperation are key to meeting nuclear safety goals. That is what emerged at the ENEA conference organized five years after the earthquake and tsunami that triggered the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Jun 23, 2016
ENEA and APRUE, the Algerian agency for energy efficiency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding recently in Algiers in the presence of the Italian Ambassador in Algeria, Michele Giacomelli, and the Secretary General of the Algerian Ministry of Energy, Ahmed Messili
Jun 09, 2016
At the start an Italian-made mega-project harnessing energy from stars.
450 worlwide leading experts on nuclear fusion met to discuss the breakthroughs on the path to re-creating stars on earth to provide limitless, safe and clean energy and meet the planet’s growing energy demand
Jun 09, 2016
PELL (Public Energy Living Lab) is a management system developed by ENEA to monitor and control energy consumption of public lighting. In particular, PELL allows to plan energy efficiency measures for 11 million public lights in Italy with potential savings of up to 400 million euro yearly, equal to a third of the electricity bill of 8 thousand Italian Municipalities
Jun 09, 2016
ENEA researcher Mario Conte was awarded the “TRAVISIONS 2016” prize with the project ILHYPOS for the the development of innovative, eco-friendly, high potential supercapacitors for the automotive sector
Jun 09, 2016
European researchers and industrial representatives from 28 countries have recently established a new European carotenoid network in Brussels. The goal of this network named EUROCAROTEN is to enhance competitiveness of the European agro-food industry and promote health by coordinating research on carotenoids
May 26, 2016
The new Italian Biotech Industry report, published by Assobiotec (the national association of biotech companies which is part of Federchimica) and ENEA (the national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development), gives an updated, detailed picture of the Italian biotech industry
May 26, 2016
Another step forward in nuclear fusion. An innovative super conductor cable for the reactor DEMO, designed by the Superconductivity team of the ENEA Nuclear Fusion Department, has offered a 30% superior performance compared to ITER superconductors, the experimental facility under construction in France
May 26, 2016
The European project AMIGA has defined the tools to assess the environmental and economic impact of GMO cultivations in Europe. ENEA has coordinated this scientific project involving 22 international partners
May 26, 2016
The European project DC4Cities has allowed to significantly increase the percentage of power obtained from renewables in data centers energy consumption and limit their environmental impact, tools increasingly crucial in making our cities smarter and greener
May 26, 2016
In the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry for Environment and Urbanisation is entrusted with energy efficiency for the tertiary and residential building sector, while other areas are under the competence of different Turkish governmental institutions