Oct 29, 2020
ENEA has developed an innovative, fast and low-cost biotechnological method to produce crocins, picrocrocins and safranal in large quantities. They are molecules beneficial to humans and of great interest for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries but very scarce in nature. The method is described in a study conducted jointly with the Institute of Molecular and Plant Cell Biology (IBMCP) of Valencia and the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and published in the prestigious international journal "Metabolic Engineering".
Oct 29, 2020
Regenerating severely injured muscle tissues through the combination of the most sophisticated technologies. This is the goal of the new research conducted by ENEA, as part of the project 'SMARTIES' funded by the Lazio Region, in collaboration with three Italian universities (Tor Vergata, Sapienza and Urbino) and two international partners (National University of Singapore and Sechenov First Medical University of Moscow, whose outcomes were published in the online journal ‘open access’ Nanomaterials-MDPI.
Oct 29, 2020
ENEA took part in the study conducted on Raphael's fresco "The Triumph of Galatea" at Villa Farnesina in Rome, which found evidence of "Egyptian blue”, one of the oldest non-natural pigment in the history of humanity. The outcome of a team composed of ENEA technicians, IRET-CNR, Diagnostic Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of Spoleto, XGLab-Bruker and coordinated by Antonio Sgamellotti of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the discovery is the focus of the exhibition "Raffaello at Villa Farnesina: Galatea and Psyche ” held at Villa Farnesina until 6 January 2021, as part of the celebrations for the fifth centenary of the death of the artist born in Urbino.
Oct 15, 2020
Satellites, high resolution sensors, algorithms and machine learning techniques for post-earthquake reconstruction. Four years after the destructive earthquake which hit Central Italy, ENEA presents an innovative method that allows to characterize leftover rubble from earthquakes and to quickly and cost-effectively assess type of materials and possible danger, as well as to locate them and estimate their extent and volumes.
Oct 15, 2020
The number of buildings with high energy performance is on the rise, going from approximately 7% to 10% of the total in the period 2016-2019, thanks to major renovations and construction of new buildings, as shown by the Annual Report on the Energy Performance Certification of Buildings. The outcome of a collaboration between ENEA and CTI (Italian Thermotechnical Committee), it was presented during the webinar attended, among others, by Federico Testa, President of ENEA, Cesare Boffa, President of the CTI and Anita Pili, member of the Coordination of the Energy Commission of the Conference of Regions and Councillor Responsible for Industry of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
Oct 15, 2020
The Italian Fusion Research Center is taking shape. The construction of the DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test at the ENEA Research Center in Frascati, the machine that will test advanced solutions for fusion energy, has entered its operational phase. After the completion of all phases of the project, the COMPANY DTT Scarl was established for its implementation- comprising ENEA, ENI and the Consortium CREATE - and the first contracts awarded.
Oct 15, 2020
Work is under way to develop a novel plant to purify biogas to be used in electricity production. Based on an ENEA patent, this prototype will be built as part of the project BIOFIDS, which includes the Piedmontese companies TECNODELTA srl as leader, ACDA SpA and RAMS & E Srl, and ENEA and the Polytechnic of Turin as scientific consultants. The project, funded by the Piedmont Region, is part of the CLEVER innovation hub CLEVER comprising the Science and Technology Park “Environment Park” which implements the synergies between research institutions and businesses.
Oct 15, 2020
Increasingly effective, tailored therapies to treat cystic fibrosis. This is the aim of the researchcoordinated by ENEA and funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, whose outcomes were published in the ‘open access’ journal Microorganisms-MDPI
Oct 15, 2020
Conventional techniques meet innovative biotechnologies for a 'new' San Marzano tomato, one of the most widespread and popular traditional varieties in Italy and in the world, with new colors, taste and nutritional properties.
Oct 01, 2020
ENEA has developed an innovative technology to raise photovoltaic solar cells efficiency by 1 percentage point by replacing layers of conductive oxides with traditional amorphous silicon layers.
The technology was developed as part of the project AMPERE [1], funded with 14 million euro by Horizon 2020, which comprises Enel Green Power, as leader, CNR, Rise Technology and some of the major players in the European photovoltaic supply chain, like CEA, Fraunhofer-ISE, Meyer Burger, NorSun. The project aims at creating an Italian / European production line of high efficiency solar panels to regain competitiveness in the sector.
Oct 01, 2020
ENEA will represent Italy at the second RD20 international conference dedicated to technologies for renewable energy sources, which will take place in Japan (online) until 9 October. Giorgio Graditi, director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources, speaking on behalf of ENEA, shall inform the representatives of the main research institutes of the G20 countries on the most advanced projects and technologies currently being researched by Italy, and in particular by ENEA, in line with national and European (Green New Deal) policies.
Oct 01, 2020
Regenerating agricultural soils at risk of desertification through an innovative bio-treatment which combines scientific research, circular economy and low production costs. This is the objective of POREM, a project of the European LIFE program worth almost 1.5 million euro, in which Italy participates with ENEA, Gruppo Soldano srl of Limbadi (Vibo Valentia) and ASTRA Development and Innovation of Faenza (Ravenna) as coordinator.
Oct 01, 2020
Creating nanocrystals for hyper-technological displays in smartphones, TVs and augmented reality devices thanks to a new method of direct laser “writing” of nanoparticles that would allow to reduce the production costs of individual components. This is what the ENEA researchers of the Micro and Nanostructures Laboratory for Photonics of the Frascati Research Center have developed as part of the European project MILEDI which has designed micro-screens for cars jointly with the Fiat Research Center and the French company MICROOLED, which manufactures microdisplays in the augmented reality sector .
Oct 01, 2020
The report " Household Energy Behaviors - Cultural, social and individual aspects"- the outcome of a collaboration between Milan State University (Chair of Social Psychology) and Italy in Class A, the national campaign on energy efficiency promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development and conducted by ENEA- is online. The interdisciplinary research, conducted by Paolo Inghilleri (coordinator), Marco Boffi, Linda Grazia Pola and Nicola Rainisio, provides a psychology and applied social sciences - oriented approach to environmental issues, studying in detail the relationship between cultures and energy behaviors, with a focus on the Italian situation and household energy behavior.
Sep 17, 2020
A dramatic drop in energy consumption (-22%) occurred in the second quarter of 2020 compared to the same period of 2019. The negative peak was reached in April (-30%) in coincidence with the lockdown, while on a half-year basis there was a 14% decrease compared to the first half of 2019
Sep 17, 2020
It’s microplastic alarm in the Arctic Sea, one of the places considered most pristine on the planet. A team comprising ENEA, CNR and Sapienza researchers has found fragments of microplastics in the amphipod Gammarus setosus, a small marine crustacean widespread in the Svalbard Islands, in the Arctic Ocean.
Sep 17, 2020
The RISEN (Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualification) project is a four-year research and innovation action, coordinated by ENEA, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883116 (Fight against crime and Terrorism, topic SU-FCT02-2019 Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism, Sub-topic 1 Trace qualification).
Sep 17, 2020
A team of researchers at the ENEA Biomedical Technologies Laboratory has patented an innovative system with important effects on the treatment of medulloblastoma, a pediatric tumor. It is a pretreatment consisting of electrical impulses combined with the application of ionizing radiations, proven effective even with smaller radiation doses and without the use of medications.
Jul 30, 2020
A technical-scientific alliance to ensure the safety of Italian bridges and viaducts is born. A few days before the inauguration of the new viaduct on the Polcevera in Genoa, ENEA, the Polytechnics of Turin and Milan and the Universities of Pisa, Padua, Perugia, Camerino, Messina, Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli' and Sapienza have created the Fabre Consortium with the most qualified experts and the most advanced technologies to monitor and evaluate the state of health of the road infrastructures of our country and promote and coordinate the activities concerning the classification of the structural and environmental risk.
Jul 30, 2020
Developing a system of autonomous and biodegradable sensors for monitoring environmental parameters inside homes, schools and offices. This is the objective of the project SENSIBILE (autonomous and biodegradable sensors for environmental monitoring in buildings) that ENEA is conducting as part of its Proof of Concept program, jointly with the company PROMETE.