Sep 30, 2021
Over 450,000 computing hours and 3,600 numerical simulations for studies and measures to combat the pandemic, with the objective of identifying novel molecular drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, measuring its spread in indoor conditions and creating physical barriers for infection prevention.
Sep 30, 2021
ENEA will participate in the 3rd RD20 international conference on clean energy technologies for carbon neutrality, which takes place from 28 September to 8 October in Japan - with many online talks - at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), as part of the "Tokyo Beyond-Zero Week 2021".
Sep 16, 2021
A sharp increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions have occurred in Italy in the second quarter of the year. Climate factors and an increase in GDP (+17%) and industrial production (+34%) determined both a 24% increase in energy demand and, in parallel, carbon dioxide emissions (+ 25%), with repercussions on the energy transition in our Country, as highlighted in the latest issue of the ENEA's quarterly analysis of the national energy system, which also estimates a growing trend in energy demand and emissions of approximately 6% for the whole of 2021, in line with the trend of the main drivers of economic growth.
Sep 16, 2021
An Italian-led consortium comprising ENEA as coordinator, Eni, METAPROJECTS, IRSPS, NEXT Systems Engineering, SRS Research and Development Services and Tim won a tender from the European Space Agency (ESA) for safely dismantling oil and natural gas platforms and marine wind farms at their end of life and evaluating possible 'second life' solutions. The project, called INSURE (INnovation in SUstainable offshoRe dEcommissioning), aims to use innovative technologies, drones, sensors, IoT systems and artificial intelligence as part of ARTES 4.0, ESA’s program to explore new possible uses of their satellite technologies
Sep 16, 2021
ENEA is part of the European projects H2PORTS and e-SHyIPS which have the aim of introducing the use of hydrogen in port logistics and maritime passanger transport. In particular, as part of the 4 million project H2PORTS, the port of Valencia in Spain will be the first in Europe to experiment with hydrogen-powered vehicles to reduce the environmental impact of its activities: ENEA has the task of developing a fuel cell tractor to handle the container and the other partners that of building a service station and a self-propelled, hydrogen powered forklift.
Sep 16, 2021
A national hydrogen energy strategy as a game changer, to overcome ideological approaches based on the different "colors" of hydrogen and focus instead on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is what Aurelio Regina, delegate for Energy and president of the Confindustria Technical Energy Group said in an interview published in the ENEA special issue Planet Hydrogen, online at
Sep 16, 2021
Making the execution of radiation resistance tests on electronic components and systems for applications in the aerospace, automotive and energy sectors in large research and experimentation infrastructures easier is ENEA's objective in the project RADNEXT, funded with 5 million euro by Horizon 2020 and coordinated by CERN. The project brings together 38 universities, research centers, infrastructures and industries, including the large facilities GSI (Germany ), GANIL (France), STFC (UK), TRIUMF (Canada), PSI (Switzerland) and the European civil and military aviation giant Airbus.
Sep 16, 2021
A special underwater laboratory, set up by ENEA at a depth of over 25 meters in the Ross Sea in Antarctica, made it possible to acquire data on temperature, pH, oxygen, salinity and pressure that allowed to accurately describe the annual variation of physical, chemical and biological processes under the pack ice in Terra Nova Bay, which confirmed that one of the major causes of climate change is ice melting. The data were collected continuously and in high resolution for one year until November 2019 and then published in studies in the international journal "Minerals"
Jul 29, 2021
ENEA launches the first national survey on new technologies to exploit energy from tidal currents and sea waves, as part of a campaign conducted jointly with Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and ETIP Ocean. The survey takes place simultaneously in the other 13 EU countries of the European task force of energy from the sea, led by ENEA for Italy.
Jul 29, 2021
ENEA and Shell Energy Italia have signed a three-year collaboration agreement to research and develop innovative technologies in the hydrogen field, with particular focus on the decarbonisation of energy-intensive sectors. The goal is to create sustainable energy solutions and promote the conversion of industrial processes to hydrogen, in particular green hydrogen, to support the country's energy transition.
Jul 29, 2021
The LEAP4SME Consortium, coordinated by ENEA, published the estimates of energy consumption of small and medium-sized enterprises in 9 European countries, which show that the share of SMEs on gross domestic energy consumption goes from a minimum of 9% in Portugal to a maximum of 18% in Greece and Croatia. In the case of Italy the calculated range is wider - between 13 and 29% - since the estimates were drawn using two different approaches.
Jul 29, 2021
Investigating microplastics pollution in lakes, developing a standardized and innovative methodological framework for the sampling, analysis and monitoring of the presence of this emerging contaminant in lake waters.
Jul 29, 2021
A network of thermometer-sensors deployed underwater which measure temperatures of the Tyrrhenian Sea every 15 minutes to understand how global warming affects submerged ecosystems.
This is the goal of the project MedFever, presented on the International Day of the Mediterranean Sea, which comprises ENEA (scientific partner), the association MedSharks, the company Lush and a group of volunteer scuba divers from diving centers in Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.
Jul 29, 2021
Microplastic pollution, climate change and biodiversity in the Arctic Ocean: these are the main targets of research by ENEA in the Arctic marine geophysics campaign of the Italian Navy "High North 21", which will end at the end of July with the return of the ship Alliance in the port of La Spezia, after sailing for more than one month around the North Pole.
Jul 15, 2021
Italy is at the forefront of the European project comprising 10 members from eight Mediterranean countries to create the first 'Blue Biotechnology Community', a large blue biotechnology hub for sustainable growth in the Mediterranean. Coordinated by ENEA, the initiative, denominated B-Blue, is funded with 1.5 million euro aims at creating a governance mechanism to tackle the fragmentation of marine resources biotechnology in the Mediterranean area and promote access to sustainable innovation
Jul 15, 2021
Producing green hydrogen from biomass and waste while capturing the CO2 emitted for its energy enhancement is one of the objectives of the Italian-led European project GICO coordinated by the Guglielmo Marconi University and including ENEA among its scientific partners.
Jul 15, 2021
A 7 million euro investment to establish the first European network of energy storage research infrastructures, a key element for promoting the diffusion of renewable sources and accelerating decarbonisation. A challenge addressed of the European project StoRIES (Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System), coordinated by the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) and comprising 47 partners from 17 countries.
Jul 15, 2021
In Italy, air pollution has a significant impact on photovoltaic yield, with average annual losses of 5% caused by atmospheric particulate alone (PM2.5) and peaks that can reach double digits in areas particularly polluted by fine dust, as reported by a study conducted at the ENEA Portici Research Center (Naples), jointly with the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Federico II University of Naples.
Jul 15, 2021
ENEA has approved the Gender Equality Plan (GEP), set by the European Union's 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy as an eligibility criterion for public institutions to access funding under the new EU Horizon Europe research program.
Jul 15, 2021
Sharing and transferring Product Environmental Footprint experiences and methods to neighbouring countries of the Adriatic agri-food sector:, this is the objective of the PEFMED PLUS project , coordinated by ENEA and co-financed by European Regional Development Fund.