
News 2020


Energy: New method for identifying effective decarbonisation policies

A new method for evaluating the energy technologies present on the national territory and identifying the most effective policies for the transition towards a low carbon national production system. This is the subject of the study “Assessment of the state and development potential of energy technologies in the decarbonisation process of production systems and services”, to be presented in Rome on January 30th at the ENEA legal office.

Energy: New method for identifying effective decarbonisation policies - Read More…

Energy: ENEA and Eni join forces for international DTT project worth 600 million euros

Italy comes to the forefront of the international stage with a project in which ENEA and Eni will work together in a strategic alliance. The project, worth over 600 million euros, focuses on the energy of the future, sustainable, safe and unlimited, and it involves the establishment of a scientific and technological centre for fusion DTT (Divertor Tokamak Test) in ENEA’s Research Centre in Frascati (Rome) by DDT Scarl, a joint venture owned 25% by Eni, 74% by ENEA and 1% by Consorzio CREATE.

Energy: ENEA and Eni join forces for international DTT project worth 600 million euros - Read More…

Innovation: ENEA focusses on nanomaterials for lithium-sulphur batteries

A new direction emerges for research at ENEA, to render lithium-sulphur batteries competitive as a product compared to lithium-ion batteries, both in terms of production cost and performance. The new storage batteries look set to be less costly (sulphur is an oil-industry by-product), and also to weigh less and (weight for weight) to store nearly twice as much energy (300 Wh/kg).

Innovation: ENEA focusses on nanomaterials for lithium-sulphur batteries - Read More…

Hydrogeological instability: From Sicily a model for satellite territorial control

Monitoring hydrogeological instability by means of satellite images provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) ‘CosmoSkyMed’ network. This is the objective of the agreement stipulated by ENEA, the company, Planetek Italia, and the Municipality of Messina to ensure protection for the territory of the outlying Altolìa area.

Hydrogeological instability: From Sicily a model for satellite territorial control - Read More…

Environment: EU project for remediation of the "Mar Piccolo" in southern Italy

Experimenting with an innovative, ecosystem-friendly, low cost and easy-to-use technology for the remediation of waters and sediments polluted by heavy metals in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto. This is the aim of the European Life4MarPiccolo project, which sees ENEA as leader of a team that includes IRSA-CNR, the Municipality of Taranto, Genelab and Nova Consulting.

Environment: EU project for remediation of the "Mar Piccolo" in southern Italy - Read More…

Climate: Expedition on Antarctic plateau to better gauge sea level rise

From 7 December 2019 to 25 January 2020, a team of scientists from France (CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes) and Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia) will traverse the middle of the Antarctic plateau, travelling 1,318 km, round trip, from the Franco-Italian Concordia research station towards the south pole and back.

Climate: Expedition on Antarctic plateau to better gauge sea level rise - Read More…

Energy: Italian industry wins contracts worth more than 1.2 billion for fusion reactor

With contracts awarded worth more than 1.2 billion for the world’s first fusion power plant, Italian hi-tech industry players mark a fresh breakthrough − while bolstering their leadership role within the ambit of the ITER, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project, in progress at Cadarache (France), with more than 50% of the tenders for hi-tech content components for Fusion for Energy (F4E) – the agency that manages the European unit for construction of ITER –, as noted by the journal, Rivista ENEA Energia Ambiente e Innovazione.

Energy: Italian industry wins contracts worth more than 1.2 billion for fusion reactor - Read More…

Environment: Project for cooperative air quality monitoring begins

Thanks to the direct involvement of the citizenry, The European project, Air Heritage, for monitoring the quality of the air in the Portici area (Naples) has started up. Air-Heritage is the outcome of teamwork with various players (ENEA, the Municipality of Portici, ARPAC, Legambiente Campania, Università “Federico II” (Naples) and TerrAria srl).

Environment: Project for cooperative air quality monitoring begins - Read More…

Cultural heritage: First hi-tech monitoring project for Palazzo Chigi in Rome area

First hi-tech monitoring project to evaluate the ‘health conditions’ of paintings, frescos, marble busts and the leather wall cladding of Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia (Rome). A team of ENEA researchers has deployed advanced technologies to study the artistic and cultural heritage embodied by this famous building which provides the scenic backdrop for the monumental Piazza di Corte (designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini).

Cultural heritage: First hi-tech monitoring project for Palazzo Chigi in Rome area - Read More…