
News 2020


Energy: Italy, economic recovery in the 3rd quarter triggers consumption (+18%) and emissions (+20%)

A sharp rebound in energy consumption (+18%) and CO2 emissions (+20%) in the third quarter of 2020 compared to the low recorded in the previous quarter, as a consequence of the recovery of the economic cycle (GDP +16%, industrial production +18%), is reported in the latest issue of ENEA's Quarterly Analysis of the national energy system, which shows a marked improvement (+42% in the first 9 months of the year compared to the same period in 2019) in the ISPRED index, which monitors safety, prices and emissions, thanks to the alignment of Italian electricity tariffs to European ones and a dramatic fall in emissions (-14%).

Energy: Italy, economic recovery in the 3rd quarter triggers consumption (+18%) and emissions (+20%) - Read More…

Earthquake: ENEA technology for 'zero damage' buildings and historic centers reconstruction

After the anniversary of the earthquake of 30 October 2016, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Italy after that of 1980 in Irpinia, ENEA presents a patent- developed jointly with Tekva, a Tuscan company operating in Italy and abroad in the civil works sector- to build "zero damage" buildings from scratch and to safely rebuild historic centers.

Earthquake: ENEA technology for 'zero damage' buildings and historic centers reconstruction - Read More…

Energy: ENEA and Italian Industry alliance for new solar thermodynamic plants

The future of solar thermodynamic energy in Italy starts in Sicily, where it was born, -according to legend- with Archimedes’ burning mirrors. Thanks to an alliance between ENEA and the Italian industrial world, in fact, the first plant in Italy to combine solar concentrated power and photovoltaics will soon be inaugurated in Partanna (Trapani), and another is about to be built in Trapani in the Piana of Misiliscemi.

Energy: ENEA and Italian Industry alliance for new solar thermodynamic plants - Read More…

Energy: ENEA in the European research project on energy communities

Analyzing initiatives to establish energy communities based on potential, driving factors, barriers, legal aspects and business models best suited to their development. This is the goal of the European project COME RES [1], funded with approximately three million euro by the program Horizon 2020, comprising 16 partners, including ENEA and Ecoazioni snc for Italy and the Freie Universität of Berlin as coordinator.

Energy: ENEA in the European research project on energy communities - Read More…

Innovation: start-ups, second EU call to improve urban mobility

Innovative startup companies with a mobility-related business idea have been selected by the second European call for the EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator Program which provides: 15.000 euro funding, a six-month plan offering mentoring, coaching and accompanying services for the validation of technologies, product-market fitting, contacts with investors, availability of co-working space in a selected location, as well as a six-month internship at a selected location with direct access to "living labs" and cities for the creation of new products and services.

Innovation: start-ups, second EU call to improve urban mobility - Read More…

Antarctica: 36th Italian expedition to the Arctic kicks off with pandemic restrictions

The opening of the Italian Mario Zucchelli station at the end of October marked the start of the 36th Italian Expedition to Antarctica, funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) as part of the National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA), with ENEA managing logistics and operations and CNR coordinating scientific activities. The current health emergency has imposed severe limitations on scientific and logistical activities, including cutting team sizes and limiting the number of people at stations in order to be able to open safely and maintain the scientific equipment in operation.

Antarctica: 36th Italian expedition to the Arctic kicks off with pandemic restrictions - Read More…

Health: Covid-19, a hi-tech device for rapid breath tests

ENEA is developing an innovative sensor for rapid, reliable and low-cost tests to diagnose the viral infection responsible for Covid-19. It will be enough to blow into a tube connected to a specific device to have a reliable response in 10/15 minutes. The device, called 'AsDECO' (Asymptomatic DEtection COronavirus) is the size of a smartphone, reusable, works without reagents and can screen a large number of individuals in environments like schools and airports to identify asymptomatics.

Health: Covid-19, a hi-tech device for rapid breath tests - Read More…

Technology: Multisensory system to improve safety at work

A new, smart technology, partly wearable, for the safety of workers and workplaces, bringing together wireless localization systems, low-energy artificial intelligence techniques and innovative sensors to detect harmful gases and fine dust. This is the focus of SALVO (multisensor for monitoring work environments), a project by ENEA, Catania University and STMicroelectronics to develop over the next three years a multisensor system for monitoring and safety in the workplace, as part of a smart-manufacturing approach (Smart Factory).

Technology: Multisensory system to improve safety at work - Read More…

Environment: Recycling photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life materials

ENEA has patented a new low energy consumption and reduced environmental impact process for the recovery of the main components of crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels at the end of their life. The process allows to separate useful materials, such as polymeric layers, electrical contacts, cells and glass, and to safely dispose of the rest by softening polymer layers through heating the panel and subsequent mechanical detachment.

Environment: Recycling photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life materials - Read More…

Energy: Tackling energy poverty in the EU private rented sector

Around 50 million households in the European Union are estimated to be living in energy poverty – or energy vulnerability, unable to afford the energy needed to adequately heat or cool their homes. This is caused by a combination of factors including high energy costs, low household incomes and energy inefficient buildings, and can have severe impacts on health and wellbeing.

Energy: Tackling energy poverty in the EU private rented sector - Read More…

Environment: Ecomondo, ENEA presents Smart Bin, the electronic waste bin that offers discounts

Smart Bin, an “intelligent” container which issues discount coupons to citizens who properly dispose of electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) is on its way. Smart Bin, one of the innovative solutions for the circular economy and environmental sustainability that ENEA presented at Ecomondo -the international fair on the Green Economy which this year takes place digitally (until November 15th)- can recognize waste, rewarding the disposal of mobile phones, PCs and tablets, which are an actual gold mine of gold, silver, palladium, copper and other high-value materials contained in the electronic cards.

Environment: Ecomondo, ENEA presents Smart Bin, the electronic waste bin that offers discounts - Read More…

Italy: ENEA, €3.5 billion invested in energy-efficiency interventions in 2019, €42 billion since 2007

Over €42 billion invested in energy requalification interventions, of which €3.5 billion in 2019 alone, with an overall saving of approximately 17,700 GWh / year, of which slightly over 1,250 GWh / year in 2019. This is the economic assessment of 13 years of eco-bonus, a mechanism to incentivize energy efficiency in end uses introduced in 2007.

Italy: ENEA, €3.5 billion invested in energy-efficiency interventions in 2019, €42 billion since 2007 - Read More…

Energy: 4 centers for energy efficiency in public buildings inaugurated

Conducting energy efficiency diagnosis and training specialized staff to promote "low or zero energy" public buildings thanks to innovative technologies. This is the objective of the project REEHUB (Regional Energy Efficiency HUB) which inaugurated four Centers in Brindisi (Puglia), Agnone (Molise), Tirana (Albania) and Podgorica (Montenegro) to support energy audits of public buildings and training / information for technicians, stakeholders and citizens on sustainable construction themes

Energy: 4 centers for energy efficiency in public buildings inaugurated - Read More…